Chapter 15 (Please Do Not Disturb)

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Location: Bastion. Capital world of the Galactic Empire

Standing alone in the middle of that foyer, Tenel Ka felt like a dam forced to hold back the ocean. She had known this day would come. There had been dozens of assassination attempts over the years. But the last 4 of those years had been different. The Sith had joined the party. Ever since then, she had been training herself tirelessly for this moment. And now?

As her door was blasted to charred splinters, she reached out with the force through her forearm. Out of the foyer's open closet came...

Her second lightsaber.
Whereas her primary lightsaber, being crafted from a rancor's tooth, spoke to her heritage and personality, this secondary weapon was crafted with pure function in mind.

The hilt was an unusually slender cylinder, measuring half a meter in length. The weapon lacked a "grip" essential to all lightsaber hilts. Instead, it's entire length was smooth, burnished durasteel.
Lastly, the device was one of a kind, due to the fact that it lacked an activation button. The blade could only be activated internally, through the force.
In truth, the entire weapon was never meant for human hands. It was designed to be wielded by the hand of the force alone!

The hilt flew from the closet, and was drawn, as if by magnets, to the warrior queen's forearm; hovering about 10 cm from her stump.
There, it began to spin, slowly, at first, and then it picked up speed.

In Tenel Ka's mind, time stretched out into infinity. Logic, reason, planing; it all fell away. She gave herself over to the force, making it an impulse; an instinct.
"Now!" The force told her, and she obeyed.
Both ends of her second hilt, ignited in a flash of whirring fury. The speed at which the double bladed weapon spun, was sufficient enough to create a veritable shield of deadly green light.
That shield was put to the test, half a heartbeat later, as a steady stream of blasts bolts flew into the room and ricocheted back into their source, which was...
A UVH battle droid. The redirected barrage hammered the droid that unleashed it, melting a large hole in the droids chest. Using the force, she grabbed hold of the wrecked automaton, and threw it at the 2nd droid to emerge from the doorway.

As expected, the thrown droid made impact with the other. Unexpectedly, however, the 1st droid did not drop to the floor. Through the awesome power of the force, the thrown droid began to wrap around the 2nd, like a skeletal cage. A cage the kept on shrinking around it's victim until it was crushed, inadvertently setting off the ordinance stored inside.
Tenel Ka threw up a force bubble just in time to absorb the fire ball with it's accompanying shockwave.

She could scarcely believe the power she was wielding. A UVH droid was the match of most Jedi, and here she had destroyed 2 in less than 10 seconds.
Old anecdotes about fierce mother rancors, and human women lifting landspeeders off of their trapped offspring, came to mind.

But she knew the truth. Love fuelled the light side, just as anger fed the dark. At this moment, she was consumed by love for her daughter and Wynn. Thus, She became the very embodiment of the light side.

The smoke of the explosion hadn't even begun to clear, when the very embodiment of darkness entered into the wrecked foyer.
An abomination!

There, stood a droid with the basic design of a Tendrando arms creation, but so much more. Black plating, made of a plastoid/obsidian compound, covered the droid's skeletal frame. The only splash of color, was the glowing crimson holocron, slightly protruding from the droids chest.
He just stood in the doorway, half covered in smoke, and looking every bit the undead evil he was.
"Where is the girl?" He asked in a voice that was half human and half machine.

"She is safe! I can't say the same for you, Sith!" Tenel Ka answered.

The Sith laughed, a horrible facsimile of a laugh and said: "I sense you are so very strong in the force. In fact, I can sense you are stronger then me... Which will make it that much more humiliating when you fail. And that, my dear, will make your death that much more... delicious."

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