Chapter 29 (Life and Death on the Plains of Naboo)

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Location: The far edge of the Great Grass Plains, on the planet Naboo

As Malgus stormed toward the small group of incoming Jedi, he gestured to a unit of nearby Biots and commandos and shouted: "Over here!" They immediately started running in the same direction he was.

With little effort he could gauge the varying abilities of his oncoming targets. He could sense... A master... 2  knights... a learner... and... It was her! "How curious!" He thought.

The sixth individual of the group had no force sensitivity to speak of. She was, interestingly enough, a biot (he could sense the altered biological signature inherent to all biots, including himself. What was more, she was the one who had sparked such a great reaction in the "Almighty Luke Skywalker". She was the tool to his undoing.

He had no illusions as to the power that Luke possessed. If he had indeed taken the place of the "Father", killing him would only be possible through some kind of great distraction: Like the death of someone dear to him.

When he got within 20 meters of Dena, He leapt forward and ignited his crimson blade. He flew through the air ready to strike the helpless woman, when... When his blade was intercepted by the light blue blade of Master Tekli.

The diminutive Chadra-Fan, was more a healer than a fighter. But, a Jedi Master she was, and everyone on the battlefield would bear witness to her deservedness of that title.

At the same time, the 4 Sith had closed in on Luke. At their side had gathered a number of Mandalorian and Biot soldiers.

Sith were famous for their arrogance and underestimating their opponents. These were particularly Sith were true to form. All attacked without the slightest fear of failure. As powerful as the Great Luke Skywalker had become, surely he was no match for such a force! They were wrong!

For Luke it was not a matter of survival. He knew that his role of Master of the balance, had made him immune to any attack. Oh, he was still mortal! That hadn't changed... Yet!

But his invincibility came directly from the force's guidance. The force had chosen him, and the force would protect that choice. It would guide his actions and adapt his powers to deal with any situation.

That was never in doubt. What confounded Luke was the question of whether or not he could kill these soldiers. Malgus had become neither light or dark. He was "The Conflict"! "His Nemesis"! The enemy of the Force itself!

He had no doubt it was his duty, if not his destiny, to destroy him. But these warriors... did they share Malgus's fate, or were they part of the mundane struggle between light and dark?

It was vital that he figure out the answer. On that pirate station month's earlier, he had wielded the force as an offensive weapon, killing several raiders. His choice nearly cost him his life, as the force failed him because of his misguided actions.
He decided to merely hold their attack at bay... For now anyway. At least until the Nogri and Jedi could take on this mob.

All this crossed his mind in a heartbeat. By the time the first blade of crimson Plasma was slicing the air towards him, he had already resolved his inward hesitation.

In a flash, his entire body became translucent and enveloped by blue flame. He reached out with just his bare hands  and deflect the blades in an almost blinding flash of sparks and smoke.

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