Chapter 2 (The Price of Peace)

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Location: Hyperspace on route to Naboo

Luke and his three companions quietly walked back up the Jade Shadow's ramp. Even before the hatch was fully sealed, their pilot had activated the repulsers and began accelerating away.

Luke had been magnificent! Luke had been incredible! Luke... Collapsed!
It was sudden but not wholly unexpected. This was their 3rd "intervention"  since the Battle of Kesh, and it seemed like the greater the feat, the greater his crash afterward.  Without saying a word, Tahiri gently put her arms underneath his and lifted him up off the deck. Simultaneously, Raynar Thul picked Luke up by his feet and legs and followed Tahiri's lead to Luke's quarters. Dena was already several paces in front of them, opening the door to his room so the that others could bring him inside. She waited by the door as they laid him on the bed and then, without saying a word, they exited the room.

Tahiri and Raynar thought it best that Luke be left alone and let the force nurse him back to health. Dena would have none of it, and the others stayed out of her way. It was her custom now to come in and administer a shot of bacta into his blood stream. She would also run a few scans to make sure that his vitals were headed in the right direction.
To the rest of the galaxy Luke had always been a symbol of hope and justice. After the Battle of Kesh, however, his fame reached new heights.

No. Not fame....He wasn't some sports star, or hologdrama hunk.
He had done the impossible. He had neutralized the Sith threat, while, at the same time, saving the Sith and the other beings that called Kesh home. The Sith were now free to practice their dark arts, but were confined to a single planet; not unlike an endangered species reserve. In this case it was more like a dangerous species reserve. Darkness would be allowed to flourish but in an ever so  controlled manner.

With fear of Sith reprisals taken off the table,
The Galactisc Alliance went from being neutral observers, to the staunchest of Jedi allies within a matter of hours. At the request of the senate, Chief Wyn Dorvan ordered  Admiral Nek Bwua'tu to devote whatever resources were necessary to maintain a permanent quarantine of the planet Kesh from the rest of the galaxy.
Even the Imperial Remnant sent a convey of ships to support the effort.
It seemed when the school yard bully was out for the count, everyone came out to play.

Not only that, but a week after the Battle of Kesh, the GA sent a formal request to the Jedi Council to return the order back to Coruscant.

Luke made this all possible. And that is why fame didn't do him justice.
He was beloved.  True, his powers were awesome, but it was also the man himself.
Luke wasn't flashy.  In fact besides the ship they we're currently on (which technically belonged to his late wife), he owned nothing of any luxury whatsoever.

He was a minimalist, who seemingly owned only two outfits.
That spoke to his honesty. This man spent over 40 years battling and sacrificing every inch of the way, and had nothing to show for it, except for the scars that took up more and more of his body with every passing year. This resonated with people.

And hearing that Luke literally dove onto a trans-galactic Missile to save lives, made people sleep better at night.
Younglings in schools galaxy-wide would now come home and sing to their parents the new song they had learned that day:

"Stars of the Night
Shining high and bright
Please make fast the flight
Of Skywalker's ship tonight."🎶

This in turn would bring a tear to their parent's eye, because they knew.... They really knew, that they wouldn't be the next Alderaan or Caamas or Honoghr or Emberlene. To them, such tragedies would stay in the past.
But would they? Would they really?

Kneeling at the side of Luke bed, Dena ran her fingers through his hair, seeing him in a way the rest of the galaxy never would.
The cost of such great heroics, was only known to their little band. Luke was certainly not invincible.

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