Chapter 19 (A Death Fit For A Hero) Part I

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Location: Above the planet Socorro

"Everybody... Hold on!" Han yelled as The Falcon barrel-rolled through space like a starfighter one eighth it's size.
Whatever restraint the local scum and villainy had shown toward The Jade Shadow, had apparently evaporated.
As soon as they exited hyperspace, several ships attacked!
It wasn't coordinated enough to suggest a planned ambush. It felt more like a pack of stray Tuscan hounds ganging up on pretty much anything that moved.
Han was determined to show those muts, that they had bitten off more than they could chew.
After a couple more evasive maneuvers, Han shouted: Ok! Get 'em!

With that, both top and bottom blaster turrets opened up with devastatingly accurate blaster fire. Han maneuvered the ship to line up the shots, and the mom/daughter team took out the targets. Within a minute, the offending ships were nothing but floating debris clouds.

After a few more pathetically lobbed pot shots, it was clear the message had been received: The Millennial Falcon was not a helpless bantha pursued by Rancors. IT WAS THE RANCOR!
With the welcoming committee out of steam, the Solo family ship headed in.

Location: Tendrando Arms Secret Base below the surface of the planet Socorro.

"Now, I know I'm gettin old..."  Lando said with a swagger he didn't feel. "But there is no way I'll ever mistaken a figure like yours for that of Luke Skywalker's.

The man couldn't help himself. Whenever Lando was in the presence of a woman (no matter the age) flirtations would just roll off his tongue.

"Might as well loose the helmet, love." He invited.

By now, Vestara had walked right in front of Ben. In fact, she was standing between him and Lando.
She turned slightly to give Ben a glance, and then looked back up at Lando. She let out a final sigh, and then dipped her head to remove the helmet.

It took Lando a moment to recognize the newly revealed visage before him. The juxtaposition of perfect symmetry and vicious scarring, temporarily distracted him from the girl's true identity.

But only for a moment. The recognition hit him like a charging reek. His whole body began to shake, as adrenaline and rage poured into his bloodstream.
"You!" He accused with a shaky voice and an equally quivering finger.

Tendra's and Chance's names, were the only thing that existed in his mind. This girl in front of him, had banished his loved ones to the realm of his memory. With their murderer standing not 10 feet away, nothing else mattered. Ben didn't matter. Luke didn't matter. Lando himself, didn't matter

Pulling out his blaster he stalked towards Vestara.
"Don't do this Lando." Ben pleaded

"SShhuutt uupp BBeenn!!!" Both Lando and Vestara replied at the same time.

As he approached closer, she knelt down on one knee and crossed her arms across her chest.
He was now standing over her with a face full of tears. As she looked up at her executioner, her face was pelted by the the drops of his sadness.

In a voice that epitomized peaceful contrition, she spoke: "I deserve this. Ben does not. He can't be blamed for saving me. He can't be blamed for having a kind heart. Ive tried Lando! I've to kill myself, but the force has kept me alive for this moment. Please! Let Ben go!"

Momentarily, Lando took his eyes off Vestara and looked at Ben. It was as if he had forgotten anyone in the universe existed besides him and Vestara. He looked back at Vestara, and with an unsteady hand, placed the muzzle of his blaster against her forehead. In response, Vestara closed her eyes, and whispered: "I'm sorry."

Location: Above the planet Socorro

Meanwhile, The Falcon was ripping through the Socorron atmosphere like a fallen angel. Both Leia and Jaina had yelled out: "Hurry!" Obviously they were picking up on something through the force that he couldn't detect. As the dark sands of Socorro filled the forward view screen, the ship's comm came to life with the squeals and beeps that could only have come from one droid in the entire galaxy.
By this point the two women had joined Han in the cockpit. "Quick! Somebody! What's he saying?" Han blurted out while focusing the bulk of his attention on their descent.

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