Chapter 12 (Family Matters)

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Location: Ye old Tavern in Keldabe, on the planet Mandalore.

"Quiet!" The monotone command, was Fett's weak attempt to bring order to the meeting. A decrepit wooden bar in an old boisterous tavern, was just the spot one would expect to find Mandalore's leader holding a council of war.

Giving up on bringing order to the room on his own, Boba turned his helmet toward his most trusted lieutenant: Goran Beviin.
The man was making just as much noise as everyone else with his backslapping, fist slams, and unbridled laughter. When he caught sight of "the look", however, he went into full enforcer mode.

With his monstrous fists he gave three deafening bangs against the tavern wall and bellowed like only Goran could: "QUIET DOWN! C'MON! SHUT IT OR I'll SHUT IT FOR YOU!

Bevin had a way of being lighthearted and deadly at the same time. In fact, all Mandalorians did. Boba envied them. There was nothing lighthearted about Fett. Underneath his beskar armour lay, not a man, but a slab of obsidian. There were, however, recent cracks that had formed.

Starting with his daughter's Death. It's not a good feeling to outlive your one and only child. It's even worse to find out she was tortured to death. News of his daughter's murder had awakened something... Human?

The crack was further widened when, at about the same time he learned of his daughters death, he learned of his granddaughters existence.

To top off this maelstrom of revelations, Boba soon discovered that his wife, Sintas, had been imprisoned in carbonite for the previous 40 years. When she was finally rescued and thawed, the past had flooded back. Here he was, a jaded and scared man in his 70's, reunited with his wife who had, physically, not aged a day over 30.  Their relationship was, predictably, over, although Sintas still would forever reside in that small sphere made up of people he called family.

Finally, there was his return. After 5 years of being exiled from his homeward, he was able to, once again, set foot on the surface of the planet he ruled. His granddaughter, likewise , was back home with her husband Ghes Orade. The two of them didn't waste any time. Boba never asked for details, but judging by her ever expanding belly, that required a special modification to her armoured suit's mid section, she was carrying Fett's great grandchild.

This was the final blow that threatened to crack the whole thing open. Whenever Mirta entered the same room, he couldn't help but stare at her baby bump; not that anyone could notice, under that helmet.
He could easily visualize the growing fetus within. As a young boy on Kamino, he remembered the assembly line of test tube fetuses. He remembered feeling disconnected from what was happening back there. Infact, it's the same feeling he had now.
Those clones, grew up to love their life of war, and find fulfillment in it.

That little baby in Mirta, was going to grow up to love war, on a planet of people who loved war. The conflict was eternal.

The closest he ever got to enjoyment and satisfaction, was  bounty hunting. The hunt was like a drug that kept these feelings at bay. The feeling of "I can't go forward, and I can't go back."
The feeling of "I was a mistake". 

But seeing the start of a new life... Something had to give.

Caught up in his own thoughts, he almost missed the fact that the room had quieted, and all eyes were now on him. He gave a slight nod to Goran to signify his thanks for making that happen, and then he spoke:

"Where are we on the imperial conflict?"

The "imperial conflict" he mentioned was a case of several disputed systems between Moff double chin and Moff big ears (He couldn't be bothered to recall their real names). They didn't want to spread out their own supply of limited and valuable storm troopers, so both governors paid militias to fight what was essentially a harassment war. A war that was spilling into neighbouring systems and drawing the attention of the imperial navy. Which is exactly what it was supposed to do.

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