Chapter 3: (Peace is a lie)

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Location: Royal's Fortune Casino on Rebuilt Nar Shaddaa.

As Lt Trilth Rogan peered through his electrobinoculars at the back entrance to the casino, he fought the urge to pump his fist in the air like a bolo-ball player that had just tied the game.

He was a total professional, so there was no real chance he would, of course, but Trilith's "catch of the day" is what a GAI (Galactic Alliance Intelligence) officer lived for.

Finding scum and villainy on Nar Shadda was nothing to write home about. For untold Millennia it had been known galaxy wide as a place of all fun and no rules. Then the Yuuzhan Vong had come; that's when the fun stopped. That's when the planet's entire ecumenopolis was destroyed. But here he was 20 years later, surrounded by a never ending sea of neon signs, permacrete towers, and land speeders. It was all different and yet all the same. And just like the Nar Shadda of antiquity, this one had became a watering hole for the Galaxy's most influential criminals, arms dealers, slavers, and Mercenaries.

It was a gullible person indeed, that believed that crime was something that "just happened". Crime was a business! As such, it required a great deal of planning and consulting. Most of the time, little meetings would happen here and there; at bars, on public transportation, during sports matches, etc...

But every so often, the scope of the deal was so vast that it required the meeting of all the family heads. If GAI could eavesdrop on such a meeting; the intel gained would be worth 5 years of regular surveillance in the field.
This was one of those evenings!

Through his binocs, he had been observing the cream of the crop along with their escorts, enter through the back door of the Royal's Fortune Casino. First to catch his eye was Gardulla Besadii the elder. The cagey old worm seemed to be rumoured dead more often then alive, but her she was. And if she chose to be "Alive" this year it meant she was leading the Hutt's.
Next was the Verpine Hive Mother from Nickel One.
After her came General Kratebor, head of the Cavrilhu Pirates.

The next arrival was someone that intelligence had yet to identify. A Falleen that possessed a dangerous beauty. Her identity may have been in question, but her affiliations were not. She was definitely Black Sun.

Then came GET's (Galactic Exploitation Technology) flavour of the week. After Senator VoxHayly's murder, the now underground organization, had been in confusion and disarray, with chief after chief only lasting a week or two before they were off'd.
Representatives from Rodia, and Trandosha were next.
Following them, was an entourage that was given a wide berth wherever they went: Mandos

THE MANDO. Boba Fett!

He had to get eyes on that meeting!
He picked up a small chromium attaché and opened it, revealing row after row of insect surveillance probs. With the Binocs in his other hand, he reacquired his target Boba Fett.
"Hello Promotion" was the last words he ever said
before Mirta Gev came out of the darkness behind him, and introduced  her beskar dagger to his unprotected throat. As he lay there, feeling his life drain away, he felt blessed that his last view was that of a strikingly beautiful, and proudly pregnant warrior standing over him (he always had a thing for expectant mothers). The look on her face could only be described as complete gratification at satisfying her insatiable bloodlust.

In a disgustingly opulent back room, deep inside the disgustingly opulent Casino, the "who's who" of  arms dealers, mercenaries, and organized crime met. The finest beverages, lavish meals and "exotic" servers were the staple of such meetings, and this time was no exception.

Unsurprisingly, it was Gardulla the Hutt that spoke first; it was, after all, her invitation that brought everyone to this rendezvous.
Though most spoke Huttese, a protocol droid translated her words.

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