54. Drama Flows Through And Out.

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Seungcheol's Pov.

The way she stormed off made my heart drop suddenly..Like that stomach feeling went flying downwards in a plane. But it felt even more awful.

I glanced at the box with the bracelet inside that was for her especially. Why did I have to come so late..?

She was furious at me and I didn't take notice of it. I felt terrible and upset over the problem..But it's best if I give her time right?.

I didn't have that date I dreamt about. The one I fantasized in my mind. The one I hoped and thought would go smoothly. But..we didn't even get to say hello.

Or maybe..I should make the first move? Maybe I should be the one to try this time..-

"Coups?!" I spun around and saw Jeonghan coming my direction.

"Jeongh-" Then he covered my mouth with a smile.

"People are looking~" He smirked, putting an arm around my shoulder. "Did your date finish already?" He then questioned, gazing over at the restaurant me and Taerin were supposed to go together.

"Huh..Uh..Kind of had a problem." I mumbled, staring down at the box again.

"What problem?" Jeonghan walked with me in sync as he listened to my struggles.

"I did something wrong." I answered, putting the box back in the bag.

"Don't tell me that she stood you up.." He widened his eyes at me but I shook my head, denying that guess.

"It took me an hour to come over. I was busy slacking off and buying a gift for her." I furrowed my brows, and he pulled my head to his shoulder as he kept on holding onto my shoulder.

"I'm sure she's fine. Just keep your head up." He huffed, patting me. "Let's go home first. Hm? I already have food ready at my house. Wanna come?" And I nodded. Jeonghan always seemed to come at perfect times.

After we reached his house, I sat on the couch, just thinking about my decisions and my sillyness. I must've upset her a lot. "Jeonghan. Is it normal for girls to get upset over being late?" I asked.

"Well my sister get's upset when I'm late but I don't recall her being terribly angry with me." He said as he stood around in the kitchen. That's true..Taerin's clothes were also wet..I wonder what happened?

Did something happen before I arrived? "What do I do? It's probably going to be so awkward when I see her again." I frowned.

"She's working tomorrow..You won't see her definitely." He told me. I then remembered the texts. That's right..She's going all the way back.

"Everything is such a mess..Nothing ever seems to go right when we're together." I said. "Should I just break it off.. Maybe it's better that way-" I was going to look at Jeonghan's direction but then he came to me and slapped me. "Hey-!"

"What nonsense are you sputtering out now?! Are you insane?!" He scolded me, upset with me aswell. "Why would you even think that?! Do you want to go back to your depressed self?!" He grabbed my hoodie as I felt his breath leaving his mouth.

"I'm..sorry." I shyed away.

Jimun's Pov.

(PLAY 'What Kind Of Future' by Woozi!)

"Unnie? Where are you going?" I saw Nari glance at her phone as I held my bag with me.

"I need to meet up with someone..Can you go home by yourself? I'll give you money for the bus ride." She insisted and I shrugged.

"Sure." I took the money she gave me for the bus fare. It felt a bit empty this afternoon..I couldn't explain it clearly but at that moment I felt like life just became..boring. I've had a few arguments with my boyfriend. I then took the bus back home, just wandering about on social media and replied to a few texts I had recieved.

I unlocked the door with my own key and saw everything still in the same place before I left. "She's probably still on her date.." I thought. But I saw her shoes on the shoe rack. "Taerin?" I called out for her, hearing no response. As I placed my jacket on the couch, a small cry reached out to my ears.

But as I focused on my surroundings, I slowly went over to her room. My eyes softened as I saw her weep near her bed. The door was creaked open slightly as I watched her from the small slit with sadness.

I knew she wasn't alright. But..I know she'll be alright after thinking to herself. I felt like that moment was not the moment for me to interfere with. I closed the door, but not fully for her to react and went back to my room. I glanced at the pictures hanging on my wall as I smiled.

She looked pretty everywhere she walked. Everywhere she treaded into, light shone on her. Everyone smiled whenever she did. She treated many with kindness and was always there to protect them in desperate times.

She listens well, gives good advice. She made tons of friends but also made the right enemies. Her friendship with mine wasn't a mistake from the very start. I'm glad that she's one of my closest friends..I'm glad that we never had any misunderstandings with eachother and always kept it good.

But growing up alone must've been hard. But that's what made her strong..Yet so emotional inside. She's one of a kind. She's someone a person would want, a need. The one who makes you laugh yet is there for every problem. But..With that..

She never needed my help. She just needed to realize what she needs to do and who she wants to be. That's the kind of future she'll be and want.

"The sunset looks nice." I gazed out of my window with a soft grin.

Jeonghan's Pov.

"The sunset is mesmerizing today." I told Seungcheol after taking the time to cool off.

"It sure is." He took a stand beside me as we watched it fall down into evening.

Seungcheol's Pov.

It was prettier than ever. As I held the bracelet over my wrist, I only remembered about Taerin. How things went by and how much our relationship developed..As much as we have problems, I trust that she doesn't hate me.

I stared out of the window, thinking to myself, deep in thought. Her eyes were enlightening. The way she smiles at others and how she talks with me. Her personality was something I loved the most. I spent time on those letters, seeing how so many things reminded me of her. But I settled on one thing and that was for sure.

I want to be her future.

(Let's just imagine Seungcheol watching the sunset as the end of Woozi's song plays. It's too beautiful to skip really.)

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