32. Gratitude.

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Baekho's Pov.

Whilst I was looking through the store..I saw a cute keychain for 2. The strawberry reminded me of the shorty back there..But, she's actually not that short really.

I peeked out of the window, seeing her on the phone. "She's a busy woman." I shrugged, continuing to browse around.

I bought the keychain..This place was cute inside. The outside looks rather grim though. "Excuse me? Is your exterior supposed to seem so grim looking outside?" I asked the lady by the cashier.

"Not really. But we're planning to leave it how it is." She replied, printing out the reciept for me.

"But you won't get any customers.?" I tilted my head and she laughed.

"This building is a family made one. It shows how much this building has grown. Of course we renovate but the outside doesn't seem that bad looking." She placed the keychains in small boxes as she continued to talk. "Is this for your girlfriend?"

"Huh- no it's not like that. She just helped me with some things so I wanted to buy her something nice." I leaned on the counter and she agreed.

"She's a very lucky woman." The lady smiled as we made our farewells to eachother. But I realized how much of a fool I was.

"Ugh she's a brat! Why'd I buy her something like this?! I've only known her for like 20 minutes!" I punched the box, but I couldn't bring myself to destroy it. "I used my money anyways..What's the point of making it ugly." I huffed.

I tried looking for her but she was gone..I scanned around then..Was that her? There was a guy beside her. "I forgot to bring my glasses..I can't see well." I grumbled. But then when I saw them separate, I thought I could finally go to her. "Taerin!! Look what I got for you." I grinned, giving her the small box.

"You should be calling me noona.." She eyed the gift. "What's this?" She asked, looking up at me.

"Open it." I said and I watched her slowly open the top as the keychain finally came to sight.

She was surprised and gazed back at me. "Where did you get it from?! It's adorable-!" She gasped, lifting it into the air. "Don't tell me you got it from that dark looking store-" She pointed.

"Yeah! It's actually cute in there.." I scratched my face, quite embarrassed as I spoke. "Anyways, I got a matching one." Then she gave me a disgusted face. "What?"

"No thanks, you can have it back." She was passing it back.

"What?! What the hell?!"

"I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea.." She cringed at me.

"Then you shouldn't be thinking of the wrong idea. I don't want anything with you. You aren't that attractive jeez." I glared at her. "Just take it you punk!" I shoved it at her.

"Fine..Gosh." She put it back in the box and then placed it in her pocket. "Thank you." She muttered at me but I smirked.

"Hm? I didn't hear you.." I leaned closer.

"I said thank you." I already heard the first time but it was fun seeing her getting frustrated.


"I SAID THANK YOU, YOU BASTARD!" She grabbed my collar, glaring at me in the eyes. But as I blinked again, her face was close to mine. "I hate you." She let go of me and left me there..

I think my jacket is warm..Because why do I feel warm? "W-Wait. Hold up." I jogged after her.

"So..you finished your studies in America?" She broke off the awkwardness and I nodded.

"Well..Here I still have a semester or so to attend..It's complicated, I know but-"

"No. I understand." Was it just me or was she..upset?

"Uh..Do you have any pets?" I changed the topic. I wanted to ask about her parents but I technically already knew about the situation..I feel bad really.

"You've already been in my house. Do you think I have pets?" She stared ahead as she kept talking.

"Oh..No.." I felt like I was being stupid now.

"Which university are you attending?" She then questioned. I moved on from that, supposing she didn't like the topic.. but she went back.

"Korea University." She then flicked her head at me with shock.

"That private one?!" She gasped as I nodded.

"Mhm." We made it back to the house and she unlocked the door.

"You must be really smart." Taerin hung up her jacket so I followed her like a dog.
"It's incredible you know."

"Maybe..But it's not the best, following after your Dad." I smiled.

"What do you mean?" She asked me.

Taerin's Pov.

"I wanted to die." He just smiled even as the atmosphere got colder. As he spoke, only I felt like chills followed me. "But why should I.? I'm young, free.." He twirled around, taking off his shoes.

"I'll go prepare food." I avoided the rest of his talking and went to the kitchen.

"It's fine-" He held my hand as I spun back to him. Our eyes both widened as I just glanced downwards. "I-I'm SORRY!" He pushed me back, running off to his room.

"What was that.." I took a deep breath, ignoring everything to start cooking. Whilst cutting vegetables, the scene from before with Seungcheol wouldn't get off my mind. "Heh." I couldn't help myself from smiling.

"You're so weird." Suddenly Baekho appeared from nowhere and scared me. "Laughing by yourself..You're such a weird person." He frowned.

"Shut up." And that's when I noticed the glasses on his face. "You also wear glasses?" I placed down the knife and he nodded.

"I can't see things from far away. Why? Do you also have glasses?" He told me, helping me with cleaning up.

"I see. And..No. I don't know what I blabber about sometimes." I then went to wash a few things. He tapped the counter before speaking again.

"Who was that person you were with earlier? I couldn't see clearly." He asked me with curiosity washing his brain.

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