22. Adore U.

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Taerin's Pov.

I returned back to working as still reporters wandered around a bit, none of them actually seemed to bother me.

I mixed up the coffee as more customers had entered the café. As I wiped the counter quick I smiled. "Hello! What may I get you-?" I glanced up, seeing Chan there on the opposite side. "Are you skipping or something?" He gave a cheeky grin.

"I'm only on break! I wanted to visit you y'know." He took out his money and ordered a drink. "S.Coups hyung said he was going to text you but he got caught up in big business with other companies." He explained to me and I sighed.

"I don't expect him to text me at all anyways. Hoshi texts me though." I placed the cup on the counter and Chan took it. I went around to chat with him for a bit.

"Excuse me? Since when did you have this relationship with Hoshi?" He stared at me with curiosity, just making him question things even more.

"We went together in the same highschool." I replied and he gasped, taking a sip into his coffee.

"Oh damn. Nice coffee by the way." He mentioned and I laughed thanking him. I continued on explaining just a summary of the whole story but he was able to pick up most of it. "No wonder Hoshi hyung has been so distracted lately." Chan shrugged.

"It's nothing big. Really." I raised a brow. "How's work? Nothing stressing you?" I continued and he sipped on his drink.

"Nope..Lack of sleep I suppose." He replied and then I noticed something in his hair.

"There's something in your hair." I said, staring at the dust.

"Can you take it out for me?" He pleaded and of course, I slowly drifted my hand to take it out. I flicked it away and a door opened.

"There-" I glanced to see who was by the door and ultimately Seungcheol was there. "Seungcheol-!" I exclaimed and he was panting. "Seungcheol?" Why was he so tired.

"Hyung!" Dino waved as he came towards us. He didn't seem happy though.

"Is something wrong?" I questioned and he just exhaled.

"Sorry. I just got out of my shift." He wiped off some of his sweat.

"Want some hyung?" Chan offered his drink and they shared the drink.

"Why'd you come here in such a hurry?" Unnie was taking the orders in my place for the moment. I was ignoring at how many people were staring at us as I just kept looking at Seungcheol.

"No reason." And then Seungcheol suddenly tripped to the side a little. "Why're you pushing me?!" Seungcheol pouted at Chan.

"Sorry. Had to lift the drink." Chan smirked, turning away.

"You're spitting nonsense now." Seungcheol scoffed.

"When are you on break Noona?" Chan lifted his head, finishing the drink.

"Now!" Unnie yelled out, scaring a few customers. She bowed to them and told me I was on break, my actual break would've been in an hour though.

"Let's go take a walk then!" He grinned at me..Reminding me of an otter. How strange. Can humans resemble animals?

Seungcheol followed with us while Chan went to throw away the cup. "I didn't know Dino comes to visit you." Seungcheol mumbled.

"First time." I cleared it out and then we returned back to silence.

"Hyung. They called me saying that they're looking for you. What should I do?" Chan showed him something on his phone.

"Don't answer!" Seungcheol took him to a distance from me as I stood there like a lone dog. They were whispering about as I just glanced at our surroundings and the people walking by.

"Oh? Taerin ah!~" I heard a voice coming closer. I turned to the direction and Jimun jumped to me. "Hi~!" She grinned, playing with my hair.

"Jimun-!" I was rather surprised by her sudden appearance. "What are you doing here?" I tilted my head and she moved out of the way.

"I was on a walk with my boyfriend." Her boyfriend finally caught up and he was drained out.

"Why..are..you..so quick-" He leaned his head on Jimun's shoulder whilst wheezing.

"Jimun. Don't make your boyfriend so tired." I chuckled and she patted his head.

"Where did your ice cream go?" She asked him and he glared at her back.

"I had to run. I DROPPED MY ICE CREAM BECAUSE OF YOU!" He whined, and Jimun rolled her eyes to me.

"I think we have to go..I've gotta get him a new ice cream." Jimun groaned and I agreed..We said our farewells. Her boyfriend reminds me of a similar person.

"Noona-" Chan skipped over to me. "S.Coups hyung is being so grumpy." He sighed, tugging on my sleeve.

"I'M ABOUT TO GET CAUGHT BECAUSE OF YOU!" Seungcheol yelled, complaining..Yeah..Now I see who resembles Jimun's boyfriend.

He was beginning to pout as I felt like everything was getting out of hand now

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

He was beginning to pout as I felt like everything was getting out of hand now. What could Seungcheol's 'ice cream' be?

"It's fine. You won't go back." I said..I made absolutely no sense.

"But look what he's doing to me

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"But look what he's doing to me.." Seungcheol is such a guy who needs affection. He frowned whilst I then patted his head. Dear..I'm getting déja vu..Chan was questioning life but I signed him to stay still.

"Okay..Chan. Say sorry for- for..?" What did Chan even do wrong..It's not like he even snitched on Seungcheol. "Uh just say sorry. And Seungcheol you shouldn't be so upset about this. So say sorry aswell." I folded my arms, making them face each other.

"Sorry." They said at the same time and then my head noticed something in the back.

That white fluff ball and..That tall figure. "Seungmin!" I yelled out, running my way over to him. His face turned to me as he smiled.

"It's nice seeing you again." He calmly spoke to me and he saw Seungcheol and Chan behind me. "Chan- and Seungcheol?" He asked as the 2 waved at him. "I guess everyone must adore you, Taerin." He gazed back at me.

Starting With You. /S.Coups x Reader/Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora