55. All In Your Thoughts.

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Taerin's Pov.

I went on back to the café I worked at. I wasn't in the best mood but I wasn't overall upset either. I planned to apologize to Seungcheol after putting us in a terrible position. Did he hate me yet?.

I didn't understand how Seungcheol kept up with my strange attitudes at times. I guess that's a big thing you need to have when on T.V.

I seem to always forget that he's an idol when he's with me. He probably has it much harder, going everywhere, being separated from his family.. I can't imagine myself doing that.

I can't imagine myself speaking perfectly on camera, dancing and singing for millions of people. It makes me sad that we have such people to push on for other's joy.

Idols are like another friend group or a second family. They help you even though they don't know who you actually are. Laughing behind the device you watch them through..crying from their upsetting stories..

You practically know so much about them yet they know nothing about who you are. But you're still happy that they exist. Maybe I've been taking Seungcheol's kindness for granted.

I knew I should've tried harder but..I couldn't help it. It's a confusing emoion that not even I can feel correctly.

I wiped cups, taking people's order. It has been a while since I've just been sitting and walking around like a normal person. I remembered Seungcheol running at the doors or just appearing out of nowhere.

Maybe I'm thinking about him too much. "Taerin? Did you hear me?" I snapped back to reality, glancing at Unnie.

"H-hm? I'm sorry-!" I dropped the towel and she let out a short huff.

"You seem tired. Go take a walk. There aren't many customers around." She simply smiled. I held my hands together, rather worried as if I did something wrong.

"Are you sure?..I'll stop daydreaming!" I clenched my fists, determined to not flow into space.

"Don't worry! Just take a bit of fresh air." She placed a hand on my shoulder. Honestly, sometimes I should also thank Unnie aswell for how much she helped me.

She struggled by herself but lets me flow and give me as much free time. I'm probably not the best employee. I wanted to apologize for that aswell..

I went to the park since it always had the best views of the sky. I just thought about everything again and how long it had been from when it all started. It all started with me complaining about tickets.. "How childish of me.." I kicked my feet in the air slightly.

I saw parents playing with their children. And bubbles flew all over place from the soft wind that passed through.

Sometimes I thought I was dreaming..Like what if everything turns out well and I wake up with nobody by my side again.?

And how could I be so calm after almost having a near death experience? It was ridiculous, I had to laugh at myself terribly.

I forgot how my Dad looked like. Was that a bad thing? And that period of time where Baekho lived with me..That went by like childhood.

I completely forgot about him, the rest probably didn't remember him either.

I sighed once again. I then wondered about Baekhyun. His account on Instagram was doing fairly well and earned quite a lot of followers surprisingly.

"His girlfriend is pretty.." I hummed, I was happy since Baekhyun also quit smoking..Or more like forgot about it. I should thank his girlfriend.

But as I just watched bubbles fly on by, I felt someone approach me from the corner of my eye. It can't be..

I widened my eyes, seeing Seungcheol. I held onto the armrest, standing up. "Seungcheol..!" I don't know why my heart ached for his appearance. I didn't know why I missed him so terribly.

He was once again wearing a black pullover and had that fluffy hair with those bright eyes.

I could remember his face even being 80 years old. He still looked at me with a warm expression and it made my heart melt.

It wasn't fair that you entered my life. Because I don't know if I could ever take you out of it. You understand me too well, and how we've progressed in such little time makes me excited..that maybe one time I'd get to even have a second of your love.

But I still get scared, thinking you'd hate me. I was going to leave once again, ignoring my joy but he kept me still.

He was out of breath..Did he come looking for me? "Please don't leave me again..Taerin." He held onto me tight as my heart sped up with each second. "Hear me out.." A smooth grin appeared on his face and I struggled to hold in my poker face.

Sweat rolled down his face and I frowned, not liking how he struggled to come here. "What is it?." I wanted to apologize to him..but not interrupt him.

Whatever it is. I'm sorry. It must've been hard and I shouldn't have been so careless when coming to you." Why was he saying sorry? He did absolutely nothing wrong.. I shook my head at him and kept my fists up.

"I should be aswell. It wasn't your fault at all and..I shouldn't have taken it out on you." It was hard to get out the words I wanted. "I shouldn't have made you misunderstand, thinking it was all because of you. I'm not so sensitive to someone being extremely late. I just had a small problem before and..It just raised my temper." I was embarrassed of myself really..I've never said such honest words.

"It's alright. I'm glad that it wasn't as horrifying as I thought. But..thinking about you, made me only want to say.." He stopped for a minute before continuing. "I want to be your future. I want everything to start with you and everything starting with me." It was a bit blank behind what he said.

"Of course..Starting with you." I laughed, remembering when we first met."I'd be glad if we could do that." I nodded.

"Simply put, I really..do like you." He slightly blocked his hand but I didn't hear it quite right..Was I hearing things? I couldn't repeat what he said back in my mind..I just decided to move onto the next topic.

I dipped down my head..Maybe I'm catching feelings too strongly.. "Nice bracelet." I gazed at his bracelet around his wrist. It was pretty.

"This was your gift. I was supposed to give it to you yesterday, but..that didn't go well." I shrugged lightly, taking it off. "This is yours." He suddenly told me, taking it off and placed the bracelet through my hand onto my wrist.

"What.?" I chuckled..I couldn't believe it. His hands were warm but had a fresh feeling..like newly washing your hands with soap.

"Taerin. I like you." I was staring at the bracelet on my wirst before hearing that sudden sentence again. I blinked rapidly, taking a look at him in shock. So I wasn't hearing things..I thought I was becoming delusional, but it's exactly how I heard it! "Wait- I wasn't hearing things..?"

"I like you. More than you could ever think of." Why did I try to think twice? For his future or am I scared.?

Starting With You. /S.Coups x Reader/जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें