Chapter 25: A calm wave called you

Start from the beginning

She skates a bit, swaying her head to the music. Spinning the counterclockwise, Hanni takes off the outside edge, leaping into a back camel spin. She does multiple of them, 3 in a row before she lifts her leg to glide a bit.

Her flexibility remains to Hanni's surprise, and it allows for her to pull the very skills she used to continuously practice until her legs gave up on her.

Hanni chose 'So this is love', wanting to dedicate it to the first she realized she had fallen for a certain raven.

Somewhere in the crowd, Hanni knows Minji is watching. It's the reason why she's able to express herself on the rink, the overwhelming feeling of falling in love is to be express with confusion and shock.

The routine was choreographed by herself, over the few months she was getting back into her skates. The feelings were there, but she wasn't sure if it was worth being drawn on the clipboard.

The song is lulling, but the audience has yet to know that her movements express wholesomeness, whenever she lands each jump into a spin. Constant switching to the inside and outside of her skates is too familiar-like she never left the ice skating world.

Hanni begins building speed for a moment of the song, at the height of it, she goes into a forward spin, soon spinning faster and faster. As she does, she pulls up her back leg into a bielleman spin. Her legs is held above her head as she spins gracefully, earning impress cheers from the crowd.

She releases her leg, taking a deep breath while gently gliding across the rink. Her arms move fluently, edging closer toward the edge of the rink to extend her hand out majestically.

Th brunette skates toward the middle, jumping into the air and tucking her arms tightly in to suddenly perform an axel. Her spin is clean and tight, and it gives her more rotation in order to make it look like she spun more times in one jump than she actually did. She lands on the opposite leg than what she jumped off on.

Skating with a little bit of risk and performing jumps in the climax of each point gave her the nickname, Winter. She had so many aspect to her skating personality, and it makes Hanni wonder.

The song slows down, prompting for the end of the song. As it does, Hanni lowers her body, a scratch spin being decided to end her performance. The audience clap as she continues spinning faster and faster.

The song comes to the end and Hanni is extending her hand toward a certain area in the front of her.

A loud roar echoed in the building, the lights turning back on and flowers immediately being thrown into the rink. Hanni smiles and bows in all areas of the audience section.


She hopes Coach Lisa and Jihan are watching.

She may have closed an important chapter in her life that she continuously looks back upon. But it's a chapter she needs to close fully. It'll still be there, but now, it doesn't have anymore power over Hanni.

Because the upcoming chapters look promising.


Jake performed his solo and the brunette joined him soon after. Hanni can say that she enjoyed skating. She's not afraid anymore.

Changed into comfortable clothes, Hanni walks back to car with her mother and grandmother.

It was a surprise to see her grandmother in the stands, and Hanni cried when she saw her waiting beside her mother after she was down. Jake was shocked too, being the first one to give their grandmother a hug.

Hanni volunteered to drive them back home, wanting to spend a bit more time with her grandmother.

As she's driving, Hanni talks like she's never talked before. Even her mother finds it incredible.

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