2 im a WHAT??

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(I wrote this while running off like 2 hours of sleep so be warned)

Nicos POV 

uuuhhhhgggggg. why can't I catch a break? 

I come too laying on the ground in the woods near camp, why am I here? what happened? OH yeah... the strange sudden pain, I remember now. what was that? 

strangely I feel fine, like better then before even.hell my ribs don't even hurt despite the fact I've defiantly broke like all the binding rules today, which doesn't make sense after that much pain, but im not complaining about not hurting. 

as I sit up I notice Bones is staring at me with what I swear is a worried look, can cats give worried looks? "im okay bones, lets just hope I wasn't out too long." I mumble looking around, its still dark so ether its still night and I wasn't out for long or I was out for I whole day, ima hope its the first option.

I should get back to camp, wills probably ready to kill me himself for "making him worry" I stand up but feel something softly thump against my leg, expecting it to be a stick or vine or something stuck to my pants  I look back and swap at it, what I was NOT expecting was for it to be a long black fluffy black thing sticking out of my pants.

"AHH FUCKIN SCIST" don't ask me why but my first reaction was "big fluffy snake" yes I know snakes aren't  fluffy I said don't ask ok? and tried to toss it away, which only made me yelp in surprise when I realize its attached to me, unfortunately because of the pain from yanking on it. 

 wtf??? what is this? why dose it feel like its part of me?? what happed when I passed out?! I need to see this thing better, maybe its not actually part of me? I quickly take off running towards camp, Bones following, and make a b-line straight (Nico do anything straight? HA) for my cabin.

running in my cabin I head to the full body mirror in one corner and freeze in shock in front of it i...I..not only is the thing defiantly attached and seems to be a tail, but..i..have EARS?!...not just normal human ears, no CAT EARS on the top of my head, not to mention I've defiantly gotten shorter, will used to tease me because he was taller then me with him being 5'10 and me only being 5'8, but now? now I had to be only like 5'2 at most! (HA feel my pain Nico) WHAT THE HADES HAPPEND?!?!??.

Okay ill admit at this point im kinda panicking, my breathings unsteady and my minds racing with thoughts. I slowly reach my hand up to touch the cat ears, they feel  soft and fluffy on my finger tips, defiantly real, but the shocking the part is that I could feel them, I could feel the ears, the feeling of my hand touching them, I could move them even. same with the tail, they are both part of me.  

idk with has happened to me but I know one thing, I need Will.  

just as I go to run out of my cabin again a meow brings me back too realty and I pause looking down to where Bones was sitting. Bones, I had forgotten about the little skelly kit in my panic. I see he's sitting on one of my hoodies and I get a idea, thanks Bones, I quickly grab the hoodie throwing it on and pulling the hood over my new cat ears and taking my tail into the back, it was uncomfortable but I don't really care im still to freaked out to really care, than scoop up Bones in my arms and running to the Apollo cabin and banging on the door, not even thinking about the fact its 4 am and anxiously wait for the door to be opened hopefully by Will.

finally after what feels like hours the door opens.

well that was something. I think the next part will be Wills POV hopefully this kinda makes sense?  when I was writing this part moonbeam my cat deleted over half the thing so I had to start over so yeah...

                                        welp im doing the thing I guess.


from ghost king to... ghost cat..?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt