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I can feel her anger radiating off of her in waves. Her eyes are narrowed, and her jaw is clenched tightly. It's as if a storm is brewing inside her, ready to unleash its fury at any moment.

"I never expected you to do that to me, and you made my brother do the same too." She was smiling through gritted teeth, but her smile didn't reach her eyes. It's a facade, masking the deep hurt and betrayal she feels. I can sense the weight of her words, heavy with disappointment and a hint of sadness. It's clear that repairing this fractured relationship will require more than just an apology.

"At least give me the courtesy of an explanation," she says, her voice trembling with a mix of anger and vulnerability. She crosses her arms, a defensive gesture that shields her from further pain. It's evident that trust has been shattered, and rebuilding it will take time and sincere effort.

"I'm sorry, but please allow me time to explain." I beg, worried and hoping for a chance to make things right. I can see the internal struggle within her, torn between wanting to understand and protecting herself from further disappointment. Rebuilding trust requires patience and understanding from both sides, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to earn back her faith in me.

She only hummed in response.

As I was about to speak, I heard someone calling me from behind. I turned back to see some of my friends there.

Why the hell do they show up at this moment?

I couldn't help but feel frustrated. On one hand, their presence offered a temporary distraction from the tension between us, but on the other hand, I wished for a private moment to resolve things with her. As they came closer to us, laughing, they started blabbering.

One of them commented, "We are sorry, Bhabhi, but we need to take him with us," while the other laughed.

"Sorry to disturb your privacy."

"No, no, it's okay," she responded before I could reply. "We can discuss later."

"Right, Mr. President?" she asked with a caustic smirk as she wheeled to face me.

I could feel this word scratching me now. Just as I was ready to say no, she turned around and headed for the main hall.

"You guys always show up at the wrong time," I muttered under my breath, frustrated by their untimely arrival.

Later that night, she kept ignoring me and avoided any conversation about what had happened earlier. It was clear that she was still upset with me.

But then I came up with a plan. I smirked to myself, knowing that my plan would surely catch her attention and force her to come to me.


I was busy talking to some guests when I got a call from Radhika. I excused myself and stepped outside to take the call. As I listened to Radhika's voice on the other end, I could sense her urgency.

"Bhabhi, can you please come to room no. 03 immediately? There's something important I need to discuss with you."

Radhika pleaded. My curiosity piqued, and I assured her that I would be there right away and hung up the phone. Wondering what could be so urgent, I quickly made my way towards Room No. 03, eager to find out what Radhika had to say.

As I opened the door, I was pushed inside with a swift tug, and before I could say anything, someone held me against the door and covered my mouth to keep me from shouting. In the dimly lit room, I felt a wave of panic sweep over me and my heart race.

"Calm down, sugar; it's me," he whispered gently. I felt a wave of relief go over me as I recognized his voice. He let go of me slowly and moved away, giving me a moment to collect my breath.

"Why do you come up with these crazy scenarios?" I asked, but my voice was still shaky.

He chuckled softly and replied, "Just trying to keep things interesting, babe. You know how I am."

As I took a moment to steady myself, I couldn't help but feel a mix of annoyance and awe towards him for always keeping me on my toes.

"You are perfect at tricking people, ain't you?" Crossing my arms over my chest, I asked. His eyes sparkled mischievously as he grinned. "Darling, you haven't seen my tricks yet," he teased in his reply.

I rolled my eyes and tried to get out of his grasp, but he held me tight.

Playfully, he said, "Oh no, you're not getting away that easily." I let out a sigh, knowing that I was in for another adventure with him.

"You will regret it," I murmured under my breath.

"If you're doing that, I'd love to see the entire world burn." His words sent a tingling sensation down my spine.

With his strong grip on my arm, he drags me to the other end of the room. I had no idea what he was going to do, so I was afraid and puzzled. After that, he turned me so that I was facing the mirror and reflecting a picture of myself.

He smirked at my reflection, and I noticed a playful sparkle in his eyes. I felt uneasy.

"Look at yourself, Sugar. "Look at yourself and see how beautiful you are," he said while locking his eyes with mine in the mirror.

His words sent a wave of confusion through me as I struggled to understand his intentions. As I stared at my reflection, I couldn't help but feel a mix of vulnerability and curiosity, unsure of what he meant by his statement. 


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