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I noticed that Viraaj was approaching me, and seeing him made me feel a little more at ease.

With a tone of anger in my voice, I stated, "I would kill this man for arriving late again." Viraaj realized that I was referring to Anirudh.

With a cheeky smirk, Viraaj answered, "Well, maybe he's already here."

"Where is he?" I asked in a really confused manner.

Viraaj turned me around and pointed to the main platform.

"There he is, Di," Viraaj remarked, stutteringly laughing.

As I followed his gaze, my eyes landed on Anirudh, standing tall and confident, his presence commanding the attention of everyone around him.

He was looking absolutely impeccable in his sharp suit, exuding an air of confidence and charisma. He was truly the epitome of style and grace.

But why is he there? Is he the person who would welcome my future husband?

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But why is he there? Is he the person who would welcome my future husband?

Well, they both shared the name Anirudh.

He suddenly disappeared from my sight, leaving me even more confused.

I saw my father-in-law coming towards the stage, and my curiosity grew even more. I wondered if there was a connection between the two Anirudhs.

Everyone felt silent when he started talking.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for being here tonight. I am really honoured to have you all here to celebrate this special occasion. As some of you may know, I am the founder of Royal Rubies, and I am indeed the father of the groom. However, tonight I stand before you not only as a proud father but also as a proud founder of the company." The crowd murmured with intrigue, eager to uncover the mystery behind this declaration.

"Now, without wasting any more of your time, allow me to introduce you to the most wanted person of the evening," he said. The crowd fell silent in anticipation of the introduction of "the president of Royal Rubies and the eldest son of the Raghuwanshi family." Everyone's eyes widened as excitement flooded the room. I could hear my own heartbeat thumping so loudly in my chest. My eyes were eager to glimpse that one personality. We were waiting for the introduction to start, and every second seemed to go by forever. There was an obvious feeling of tension in the room, and the air was heavy with anticipation and curiosity. People in their seats leaned forward, the excitement building to a climax.

"So ladies and gentlemen, welcome my talented son, ANIRUDH RAGHUWANSHI," he said, managing the situation.

The spotlight fell on a similar figure dressed in a sharp suit, standing confidently at the center of the stage. The spotlight illuminated his face, revealing a charming smile that captivated everyone in the room. As Anirudh went forward, the audience burst into applause, their excitement reaching its peak.



I rubbed my eyes again and again to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. I looked at Viraaj to confirm I was in my senses. He was clapping along with the rest of the crowd. That means he too knew about all this play from the start.

At this moment, I just wanted to run away from the overwhelming shock and confusion. My mind raced, trying to recall all those things that happened in the past month. I felt a strong wave of betrayal wash over me as I realized that Viraaj had been keeping this secret from me all along. How could he have deceived me like this? My trust in him shattered in an instant, leaving me feeling lost and betrayed. The applause continued to echo in my ears, but all I could focus on was the sinking feeling in my chest.

Anirudh took the mic and began with his speech, "Thank you everyone for being here tonight. I am honoured to stand before you all as the president of this prestigious company. "

He then looked straight into my eyes and continued, "Well, I'm extremely sorry to all those people who have been shocked a little by this sudden revelation. I understand that my actions may have caused confusion and disappointment. Rest assured, I will do everything in my power to regain your trust and prove myself worthy of this position."

I shifted my gaze from him to the audience, noticing the mixed reactions on their faces. Some seemed skeptical, while others appeared supportive.

I looked at Viraaj and gave him an expression of betrayal. Viraaj, who had been the closest to me, had kept this secret from me all along. The weight of his deception hit me like a ton of bricks, leaving me feeling hurt and betrayed. I couldn't help but wonder how long he had been planning this and what other secrets he might be hiding.

He could read my face, and I was sure that this time he would understand the gravity of the situation.

Now I don't want to stay here for even a second. Though I was used to betrayals, this one hit me differently.

Was he just wanting to test me, or was there something more sinister at play? The thought of being used as a pawn in his twisted game made my blood boil. I couldn't bear the thought of staying with someone who could so callously deceive me. It was time to gather my strength and walk away, leaving him to ponder the consequences of his actions.

I couldn't help but feel a mixture of sadness and rage as I turned to go.

"Now time for the biggest announcement of the evening." My feet stomped as I heard his voice echo throughout the room. My curiosity overcame me, and I turned around, not knowing what was going to happen. Little did I know, this announcement was another shock for me.

"Now allow me to introduce you to Mrs. Raghuwansi."

My heart dropped as I heard those words. I stood frozen, unable to process what I had just heard. Mrs. Raghuwansi? How could this be? My mind raced with questions and confusion as I tried to make sense of the situation. The room fell silent again, and all the lights were suddenly dimmed, leaving only a spotlight on ..........ME


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