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I can feel her breath turning heavy with my touch. I'm not sure why, but I was enjoying having an effect on her. Her cheeks flushed reddish, and she quickly looked away, attempting to hide the intense attraction between us. I could see her becoming embarrassed as she ran.

After a short while, I noticed that Viraaj was coming toward me. He was approaching me with an expression of confusion on his face while holding something.

"Has something happened between you two?" he inquired, sounding puzzled.

I answered, sliding out of my chair, "Not before the marriage," smirking teasingly.

He questioned once more, "Then why the hell was she rushing with a tomato face?"

I chuckled a little and replied, "Perhaps because she was angry at me." I observed his hands and added, "By the way, what's in your hand?"

"Not much, just some chocolates," he replied, revealing some dark chocolate to me.

"Umm..hmmm chocolates, huh?" I gave him a playful smile and asked, "So, may I ask for whom?"

He rolled his eyes and said, "Don't overthink, jiju, these are for your would-be wife."

"I bet her chocolates are made of red pepper, just like her angry face," I commented, which earned a giggle from him.

"No, it's simply that I usually remember to bring her sweets during her periods because she has a strong craving for them. But I will now transfer this responsibility to you," he said while passing those chocolates to me.

"Do you know that she has really fiery mood swings in her periods?" he explained to me.

I scratched the back of my neck and answered, "Yeah, I just witnessed."

He continued, "It's important to be understanding and supportive during this time. She might experience intense emotions and mood swings, but a little bit of care and chocolate can go a long way in making her feel better." I nodded.

"Okay, let's just sit and explain more about her," I said while taking him towards the couch.

As we settled on the couch, he began to share more about her experiences during her periods. He explained that the hormonal changes she goes through can often lead to physical discomfort and fatigue, which can amplify her mood swings. He emphasized the importance of being patient and empathetic, as well as creating a comforting and understanding environment for her. I listened attentively, determined to be the supportive friend she needed during this challenging time.

I never knew she could go through this much without showing any expressions in her outer demeanour. It made me realise the strength and resilience she possesses, and I admired her even more for it.



It was probably the most embarrassing thing I have ever done. I have never forgotten the date of my period before, till now.

How am I so stupid? I was roaming around the office in all white with a red stain on it.



I was cursing myself while sitting on my office couch with my head buried in my hands. The embarrassment and shame washed over me like a tidal wave. I couldn't believe I had been so careless and oblivious to something so important.

I looked up as I heard a knock on my door.

"May I come in, madam?" The person was Viraaj.

I made puppy eyes and called out, "Finally, you are here," as I rushed toward him. Viraaj gave me a funny worried look in his eyes.

"What happened, madam?" he asked, trying to suppress a smile.

I gave him a summary of things.

"Come on, Di, everything is OK. He made me sit on the couch once more and stated, "Accidents happen to everyone, and we should be thankful that he saw that in time and helped you out." He sat next to me, extending his hands.


I was really craving them, and he knew it. I eagerly grabbed a handful of chocolates and smiled at Viraaj, grateful for his comforting presence and thoughtful gesture.

I couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over me as I savoured the sweetness of the chocolates. Viraaj always seemed to know how to brighten my day, even in the most challenging times. With each bite, I could feel the tension melting away, replaced by a sense of warmth. At that moment, I realized just how lucky I was to have such an understanding brother by my side.

I suddenly felt the need to have a husband who is also caring. What if my future husband was uninterested in any of it?

Even though I wasn't spoiled or given special treatment when I was younger, it was simply a small wish that I couldn't resist giving in to. I wondered whether it would be unreasonable to expect someone to make me feel as happy and comfortable as my brother did with his kind actions. As I savoured the last bite of chocolate, I couldn't help but hope that my future partner would possess a similar level of empathy and affection.

After some time,

My eyes opened with a notification on my phone. I looked here and there with dizzy confusion, trying to remember where I was. As I regained my bearings, I realized that Viru had already left. I checked the time on my phone's screen.

NO! I have been sleeping on my couch for 2 hours straight.

Even Anirudh didn't wake me up. I quickly got up and stretched, feeling a bit groggy from the unexpected nap. I glanced at my phone again, hoping to see a message from Anirudh explaining why he didn't wake me.

My eyes widened when I read the message from my company. I was happy and nervous at the same time.






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