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"hurry up Laiyah we're gonna be late cause of you!"

Just finished my makeup, packing my bag "... where the shit is my phone?" I mumble to myself. I'm scanning around my whole room, can't see it. I stop and think In the middle of my room.

"took it with me to the bathroom- I washed my face... brushed my teeth.. grabbed it from the bench and- oh pfft" I reach into my shirt through the top and as i thought, feel my phone in my bra.

It's just easy storage easy access you know?

I don't know how I didn't feel it when I was putting in my uniform. I pull it out and put it in my pants pocket.

"ALAIYAH!" I flinch at the sound of my brother shouting me down.

"i'm coming Chace relax!" I shout back at my brother, calling my name from outside. He's probably making his way to Sams car.

I reach for my backpack, and that's when my hands start shake. My heart speeds up and my chest starts to tighten. I clench my hands together and close my eyes with a deep breath. "i'm fine. it'll be fine".

I exhale, grab my bag before i hurry out of my room and down the steps. I skip a few and almost stumble down the steps.

"why the fuck are you fighting the damn stairs!" I hear someone shout from near the living room. Same voice as every morning. Guess I was loud.

I chuckle to myself and speed walk to the main area to see my great uncle in the kitchen. Uncle Sam shakes his head when i give my tight smile, he chuckles as he continues to dry the dishes that Aunty Tana washes beside him.

"Parents are already at work?" I ask as I grab the foil wrapped lunch my great uncle always makes for the three of us for school.

Uncle nods, I grab a couple grapes and pop them in my mouth with a shrug "of course. I don't even see them at home much anymore". Sam and Tana share a look before Tana apologises on their behalf as usual.

I change the topic as I make way to the front door "Famous Teriyaki Chicken roll?"  I turn back to Uncle and he smiles "what else?". I grin "thank god". Since we've been on break i've missed having these everyday for lunch. They're probably the only thing i'm looking forward to about being back at school this year.

I wave to Uncle Sam and his wife who he hugs from behind after they both wave back. I groan and turn away "can't you wait until i'm out of the damn door!" I call, making way out, and i hear the couple chuckle behind me.

Just as I step outside there's a car honk and I know it's my brothers getting agitated. After jogging down the driveway I finally get to the car and drop in the backseat, not without my brothers giving me their irritated glares.

they both look back to face me, two sets of emerald green eyes pierce through me and I cannot keep looking at them. "alright i'm sorry man just drive" I drop my head, avoiding their glares. They hate when I make them late for whatever occasion, it's not new that we're late to school cause of me.

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