chapter 16: lux evil schemes

Start from the beginning

Leaning in with a conspiratorial whisper, I responded,

Me:That power and potential transcend the shackles of familial lineage. We're here to show that even those from so-called 'lesser' families can wield influence and shape their own destiny.

Makima smirked, her eyes gleaming with a shared understanding.

Makima:Quite the revolutionary sentiment for a devil, Rex.

I winked playfully, our banter keeping the mood light amidst the covert operation.

Me:Well, I've always been one to challenge conventions. Let's see what secrets Lux Nebarius is hiding in his castle, shall we?

As we delved deeper into the heart of Lux's stronghold, the dialogue between us continued, a blend of flirtation, camaraderie, and a shared determination to unveil the mysteries hidden within the walls of the Naberius castle.

As we ventured further into the depths of Lux's castle, several guards approached us, their postures attempting to exude a false sense of confidence. A smirk played on my lips as I observed their attempt to impress.

"BANG," Makima mimicked a gun motion with her finger, and in an instant, the guards fell, their bodies torn by an unseen force. I couldn't help but be impressed by the efficiency of her attack.

"Impressive," I grinned, acknowledging her prowess. Makima had a way of making even the most mundane gestures lethal.

As we moved forward, another set of guards emerged from the shadows, this time from the left. With a casual wave of my hand, I activated a skill called Soul Control. The guards froze in their tracks, their movements coming to an abrupt halt. Their eyes, once filled with determination, now reflected confusion and fear.

Me:You really have a knack for making an entrance

I remarked, my grin widening. The frozen guards stood like statues, trapped in the grip of my demonic power.

Makima chuckled, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

Makima:Sometimes, a little psychological warfare is more effective than brute force. They never saw it coming.

As we continued our infiltration, the castle corridors became a silent battlefield. Guards approached cautiously, but with each encounter, Makima's lethal precision and my devilish skills left them incapacitated. The echoes of our encounters reverberated through the stone walls.

A group of guards attempted to flank us from the rear, thinking they could catch us off guard. Makima, ever vigilant, anticipated their move. With a swift turn, she unleashed a barrage of invisible projectiles, rendering them incapacitated before they could even draw their weapons.

I decided to showcase another skill - Shadow Step. In the blink of an eye, I traversed the shadows, reappearing behind a group of guards who thought they had us cornered. With a sweeping motion, I activated my elemental mastery, creating a gust of wind that disarmed them and left them disoriented.

Our coordinated efforts continued, a dance of calculated strikes and strategic maneuvers. The guards, once confident in their numbers, found themselves outmaneuvered and overpowered.

As the final echoes of battle faded, the castle corridors were left in eerie silence. The incapacitated guards lay scattered around us, a testament to the prowess of our combined abilities.

Makima turned to me, a satisfied smirk on her face.

Makima:Seems like Lux underestimated his security.

I chuckled, enjoying the thrill of the covert operation.

Me:Well, let's give him a taste of what happens when he underestimates the likes of us.

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