Chapter 22

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                                                                                   Selina's POV

A soft beeping of machines and the sterile scent of the hospital engulfed me as I slowly opened my eyes. Bright lights stung, and I instinctively closed them, taking in the familiar smell of hand sanitizer and the rhythmic beeping of nearby machines. I realized I was in fact in a hospital bed.

When my eyes finally adjusted, I saw Greyson, asleep on the edge of my bed in a chair that didn't even look comfortable in the slightest bit, holding my hand. I tried to pull my hand away gently, wanting to rub my eyes, but even the slightest movement jolted him awake. Panic flashed across his face as he asked if I was okay. I assured him I was, and with a worried glance, he rushed out to summon a doctor.

The doctors checked me over, assuring me that everything seemed okay but emphasized the need for rest and caution. Greyson, with a tenderness that melted away the remnants of fear, cupped my face and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips. He shared his promise to protect me, and I found solace in his unwavering determination.

As the doctor returned with positive test results, signifying my readiness to leave, Greyson left to sign discharge papers. He returned with a set of clothes for me, leaving me alone to change. His choice reflected comfort – a loose-fitting, soft, lavender-colored tank top and a pair of well-worn jeans. My fingers lingered on the fabric, a subtle reminder of his care.

Greyson returned just as I finished changing, sweeping me off my feet in a bridal hold. A yelp escaped me, followed by a giggle. "You know I can walk, right?" I teased. He grinned and replied, "Yes, but remember what the doctor said." Carrying me effortlessly, he placed me in the car – a sleek, black speedster – securing my seatbelt before heading to his side to start the engine.

During the ride home, I found comfort in the rhythmic hum of the engine and Greyson's soothing presence. I drifted into a peaceful slumber, and when we arrived, Greyson carried me inside, gently placing me on the couch. He asked if I was hungry, and with a grateful nod, I admitted I was. In the kitchen, he prepared a comforting meal of chicken soup and a side of fresh bread, the aroma filling the room.

After we ate, Greyson led me upstairs, running a warm bath. As I soaked away the remnants of the day, I couldn't help but replay the events in my mind. The echoes of fear lingered, but Greyson's unwavering support became the melody drowning them out.

Emerging from the bath, I put on one of his shirts, finding solace in its familiar scent. Greyson, waiting in the bedroom, greeted me with a warm smile. He wrapped his arms around me, and as his lips met mine, I felt a wave of warmth and safety enveloping me. In that moment, surrounded by his care, the shadows of the past retreated, and I allowed myself to succumb to the embrace of healing.

We settled into his cozy bedroom, wrapped in the comforting cocoon of blankets. Greyson scrolled through the movie options, and we chose a classic – "Casablanca." The black-and-white film filled the room with timeless romance, and as the characters navigated their own challenges, we found solace in the simplicity of love and sacrifice.

The movie played on, its gentle hum creating a serene backdrop. We watched until the flickering light of the screen cast shadows on our faces, and gradually, fatigue overtook us. In the quiet of the room, Greyson and I found a different kind of refuge – not just in each other's arms but in the shared silence of a world that seemed to pause for a while. As sleep claimed us both, the characters on the screen faded into dreams, and we embraced the peace that comes with a night spent in the arms of healing.


I know its short, but I hope you enjoy it. 

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