Chapter 14

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After Greyson had left I went upstairs and got changed in some comfy clothes then I got my laptop and started searching a good movie to watch.

As I was about to click the next episode a yawn slipped pass my lips so I decided that was it , I closed my laptop and as soon as I pulled the covers up my eyes shut on there own.

I woke up to the ringing of my alarm for some reason it sounded louder than usual,  I groaned as I stretched my hand to turn it off.

I pulled the covers off and sat up , I stared at the blank wall for a second before I got up and dragged myself to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth then I fixed the bird nest that was on top of my head.

I heard a message come in on my phone so I went to see who it was I was shocked to see Greyson's name pop up on the screen I unlocked my phone to see what he said.

Greyson- be ready by 7

Since when does he wanna take me to school,  I replied to his messages by say ok then I finished getting ready.

After I showered and got dressed I went downstairs to eat breakfast and pack my lunch. As soon as I finished washing everything I used my phone started ringing  , it was Greyson I answered and he told me he was outside I said ok then grabbed my schoolbag and the house keys , I closed the door then walked down the driveway to get to his car.
I opened the door to the passenger side and got in " good morning " I said as I was putting my seat belt on " morning " he replied then he turned the key and pulled out of the driveway.

We arrived at school and a lot of people turned there attention to his car but I mean why wouldn't they I got a bit nervous because I wondered what they would of me the shy quiet girl that got no attention coming out of his car the opening of my door pulled me out of my thoughts,  I looked up to meet his gaze and then look back at the people who were staring he held out his hand and said " come on you're gonna be fine " I was hesitant at first but then I grabbed my bag and put my small hand his his very large ones and walked towards the exit.

Everyone started whispering among themselves immediately " What's she doing with him?" " I don't know but they look cute together " I heard a few good comments and bad ones too of course before they could go any further the bell went off and everyone walked to there class while Greyson walked me to mine.

He left me at the class door then proceeded to walk to his I walked in and all eyes were on my I held my head down and quietly walked to my seat as I waited for the teacher to come in.

The bell for lunch went and everybody started packing up there things Kyle texted in the group chat to let everyone know where to meet up.

As soon as I walked in all eyes were on me again Anthony wave me over which made me forget about the people who were staring,  I smiled as I walked towards the table , we greeted each other and started talking about random shit while we ate.

The bell went indicating that lunch was now over we said goodbye to each other then walked to our classes. As soon as the teacher walked in and started talking I zoned out I mean I already knew what she was talking about so I wouldn't miss anything.

The last bell of the day went and everybody started packing up and leaving immediately after I packed my stuff I went to my locker to get some books. I closed my locker and immediately jump because of how Greyson was just standing there " Jesus christ " he chuckled  then asked " are you ready?" I nodded and followed him out to his car.

Once we got in he started the car and started driving out of the school parking lot " could you drop me off at the Cafe please, I have work today" he hummed in response then drove me to where I asked.

I arrived at work just in time for my shift , Greyson took a seat waiting for me while I worked.

After work we stopped to get some food before he drove me home. He pulled up to my driveway,  I thanked him and said goodbye then I walked in my house and made sure to lock the doors , then I went upstairs and showerd and got dressed .

I was really tired so I quickly did my homework then I went straight to bed.


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