Chapter 8

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School was over now and I had to go to a  bookstore to hook up with a girl . For some reason I can't get that Selina girl out of my head she's just so.... freaking beautiful with her green eyes , her long brown hair, her nose those pink plumped lips and damn her ass everything about her is just so perfect . What the hell am I even saying.

I got to the bookstore started looking around for the girl. A few minutes of searching and I found her she started kissing me immediately so I just went with the flow.

The little kiss turned into a whole make out session.

I don't know why but I kinda helt like I was betraying Selina ,but that's the reason why I'm doing it , to try and get her out of my head.

A few minutes later I heard the bell at the door jingle but I didn't pay much attention to it because I mean... we are in a bookstore so people will be coming in.

The girl I don't even remember her name, I mean she's not bad at kissing it just didn't make me feel the same way I did when I was around Selina.

The girl started to touch me a  bit her hands were now under my shirt , I swear I could feel her smirk on my lips when she touched my abs.

By now my lips must be swollen,  I was about to tell her to come to my place when I felt a little tap on my shoulder then I was dragged aways to another part of the bookstore by a small girl.

When she turned around I realized that it was Selina how could I not notice.

"Hi" she said looking up at me smiling,  " what was that for I was busy?" ," can I borrow 20 dollars please I wanna buy this book, I swear I'll pay you back when I have the money."  " really dude this is what you pulled me away for" I was about to walk away but the look on her face made me turn back around " goddammit " I mumbled

And pull my wallet out,I took out 20 dollars and gave it to her " thank you I promise I'll pay you back " she smiled even wider and then I saw her dimples which made me smile " it's fine you don't have to" she nodded so I walked away.

I found back the girl, she was just sitting there looking at her nails, when she look up she smiled and tried to kiss me again but I pushed her away .

I didn't feel like it anymore " What's wrong baby , did I do something wrong?" She said batting her fake eyelashes.

" I'm just not in the mood anymore" , " well I can get you in the mood" she tried I rolled my eyes and walked off .

I got in my car and was about to head home when I saw Selina walking out of the bookstore.

I followed her but I stay a little behind so she would see me, I just wanted to make sure she got home safe.

After a while of  following her she walked up to her doorstep and went inside. I was satisfied now so I drived back to my house.

As I drove closer to my house I saw that my parents cars were in the driveway.

I parked my car and then went up to the door.

I opened the door and was met with my mother's beautiful laugh , I walked towards her laughter which led me to the kitchen.

I smile when I saw both of my parents laughing and cooking together , my mother turned around and looked at me " oh hey honey how was school " , " it was okay" she smiled and said " ok go wash up dinner will be ready soon " I nodded I walked up the stairs to my room  and then I put my stuff down .

I took my clothes off and threw them in the hamper and stepped in the shower as soon as the warm water spreads across my body I let of a sigh.

After I finished showering I put on some sweatpants and a white t-shirt then I scrolled on my phone for a bit.

A couple minutes later I heard my mom calling me telling me that dinner was ready so I got up and walked downstairs to the dining room.

I smiled when I saw everyone sitting wait patiently for me , I felt like we were a family  again. Soon we started eating and talking about how our day was.

We finish eating then i helped my mom wash up and then I went to bed.

The next day

I woke up at 8:30 since it was a weekend,  my parents already left for work early so it was just me .

I got a text from Anthony asking if I wanted to meet up with them so I agreed and then went to take a shower. I finished showering and then I got dressed and went downstairs to get something to eat.

I finished eating then I went to my car and started driving to the place where we were gonna meet up .

I arrived at the location ,parked my car and walked up to them. We  all decided to go to a football game.

After the game
The game just ended so we were walking to go get some food. On our way I saw Selina sitting on a bench with some bags , she tried to hide her face with her hair but at this point I could recognize her anywhere.

We just got out food and everyone was eating then Kyle decided to ask " so Greyson how's your girlfriend Selina ?" Then all chuckled " how the hell am I supposed to know and she's not my girlfriend " I reply then Anthony said " not yet " I gave him a look that said shut the fuck up but they both continued.

After we finished eating we said goodbye and then we went home.

How is your day going, I hope you're enjoying my story so far.

Follow my tiktok @ starlight_xoxo

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