10 1 7

Creak !
The sound of the old school library door made everyone to look in my direction and I suddenly wished I didn't come here, but I guess I had no choice.
I scanned through the book shelves in an attempt to find what I came for but luck wasn't on my side today. I sighed and grabbed a nearby chair.

"What are you looking for?." A voice asked out of the blue.

"Yikes, you scared me." I held my chest

"My bad." Roger said

"I'm looking for a context based book about....never mind I will find it myself."

"You should know I know this place like the back of my hands."

"Okay I am looking for a history book. We have a new history teacher and we need to make a history presentation."

"Yeah that's right. What topic do you have in mind?."

"I would love to talk about the former queen of France. Do you have something like that or should I suggest another topic or...."

"There is but it would take sometime."

"Okay....I would just sit down and wait for you."

The library was always dusty, so I needed to sit by the window. We have two libraries. But this library which is the old fashioned one was always filled with more books and information.
Roger wasn't the type to help, so I found this behavior of his right now so eccentric. I guess he's doing this because I'm lily's friend and he likes lily. I was meant to do the research with Christopher but he was paired with someone else. The history class was always an odd number and I was the last man standing. So frustrating.

"Here you go." Roger handed me an old File.

"Yay you found it. Thanks a lot." I danced happily.
"So I'm going to be on my way. Please write my name down and the time I took the book. Thanks "

"Wait." He called out making me to stop with a 'what now? Look.

"Let's have lunch together on the roof top."

"Why?." I questioned curiously.

"Someone said I should give you something as well as tell you something."

"Okay, just give me now. I have no time for lunch today."

"The person says it has to be on the roof top."

"I see. Okay I will be there during lunch."

It's definitely Christopher. I told myself as I made my way out of the library.

* * *
I haven't been to the roof top in a while. The place felt so strange. I grabbed a chair and sat down. Whenever I see a chair, I'm always motivated to sit.
I picked some pebbles from a glass storage and started throwing it downstairs as a way of keeping myself busy. I kept on throwing the pebbles till there was non left.

"I'm here. Sorry for being late." Roger said with a shaky breath.

"Okay please make it quick. We have to attend the agric class." I said as I sat down back.

"The thing is..."

"Go on. What do you want to give me? Who sent you?. I questioned

"The thing is...

"What now."

"I like you." He blurted out

"What?." I questioned as I stood up.

"Yeah. I like you. I really....

"Hey, hold it there. I think you are so crazy. Then what happens to lily. Why did you tell lily you like her when it isn't even true."

"I only came close to lily to get to know you. Please I really really love you and...

"Shut up! Love? I'm speechless." I spat with disgust while walking past him. He grabbed my hand ...

"What do you think of me?."

"I see you have no shame indeed." I immediately shoved his hands of mine.

What a shameless fool. I thought.

I didn't really want to attend the class because I felt like crying. No I didn't feel like crying, I was crying. I felt so bad for lily and I had no idea how to tell her what transpired between me and Roger. I finally decided to attend the class because the test was fast approaching. I didn't want to get a scold from my parents. Ooh! That was a mistake. My mother, because my father doesn't bother to take a peak at my report card.

"Where are you coming from?." My teacher asked

"From the restroom." I lied

" I will allow it today. Next time you won't enter my class."

"Thank you sir."

"Today were going to be talking about different plants....

"Where have you been?." Christopher whispered.

"Listen." I told him.

Lily asked the same question and I replied her in the same way.

"It's almost five minutes to closure." Announced Mr Peterson. Sandy see me later" he added.

Mr Peterson packed his book while I headed straight to the exit.

"Wait! Mr Peterson said and I stopped abruptly.

"Who took my pebbles from the rooftop?." He asked the whole class and they all gave an 'i don't know answer.' A mischievous smile appeared on my face as I took my leave.

Hello everyone, this chapter was in a hurry and it might be lame or something like that but please just bear with me. I got a lot of things these days. I hope you all understand 💕

KELLY BEACONS Where stories live. Discover now