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  I haven't been to the library for like ages and I hated it here. It was always dusty and messed up. The school has two libraries and the one that man told me to clean was the abandoned library. Full of dust and always scattered.
  I didn't want to do this, but I had no choice. I picked up the rag in an attempt to dust and a voice behind me said.

"You can leave it. I will help you." Christopher said.

"You don't need to. I can."

"Just sit and relax, besides you're asthmatic."

"I grabbed a chair and I wore my nose mask."

Why wasn't he saying anything. We have been like this for 30 minutes. Perhaps he didn't want to say anything. Christopher was a tall guy. He had broad shoulders and it seems he...

"Lily gave me your number. I called once."

"You really do have lot of nerves to talk back at a teacher."

"I didn't mean to."

"He deserved it."
"So can I know anything about you except from the fact that your name is Kelly."

"I don't really have much to say." I replied and never did I allow my gaze to meet his, though I could feel his gaze on me.

"Just start with anything. It's okay with me."

This situation is awkward. Why is he even here. Am so uncomfortable.

"It seems your uncomfortable." He stated.

"What were you doing besides my locker?." I asked in order to divert his attention.
"My locker is besides yours. So tell me about yourself."

"I don't have anything to say."

"How about your age, your siblings and stuff like that."

"Okay." I replied.

"Am waiting."

"I am 14 years old and I have two or is it like three sisters...

"Wait.  You're 14 ? He questioned.

"Yeah. Any problem?."

"You have a really small body. Besides am 16."

"Okay. You and lily are the same age. Anyways I love the way I am and it feels so refreshing to be small."
   After I said the last part, he started laughing non stop. I felt kind of stupid. He eventually stopped.

"You are very funny. I have a little sister, she's 10 . She's about your height. I also have a step sister, she's 12 and she is awesome. My step brother, I guess he's twenty something."

"You have step siblings. Woah!."
"Yeah. I prefer my step sister to my step brother."

"What are their names?."

"Doris, my little sister. Davis and Damien "


"So w...

* * *

At last we were done cleaning the library or should I say he was done cleaning the library. We both walked out. It was already late.

"So am going to chat you up this night. I hope you'd be awake?."

"No." I lied.

"Okay." He replied disappointment written in his face. At this moment, I felt bad for lying.

"I might be up but I don't really know. You can try and chat me up. If am awake I would respond but please not too late."

"Okay." He said feeling somewhat happy and that made me strangely glad.

"So see you tomorrow. I will wait for my sister."


"Aren't you going home?."

"I am. Am waiting till your sister comes."

"There's no need for that."

"If you don't want me waiting, how about I come eat lunch with you tomorrow."

"No, no, no . Please don't "

"Why? Are you scared?."

"No. It''s's

"Anyways, if you don't want me eating lunch with you, I would wait."

5 minutes later, my sister arrived and she  signalled for me to come inside. I did as though I didn't see her. I wanted Christopher to walk away first before I get in.

"Aren't you leaving." I asked while looking at the ground.

"Go in." He urged.

   I walked as though it was taking forever. I really hated it when someone looked at my back side. I don't even have any. It makes me feel shy. Finally I got in the car.

"I will chat you up. Good bye."

"What is wrong with this boy? I thought.

  My sister kept on smiling in my direction while driving.

"Who's that?." She asked.

"Don't even start sister Klara."
      And she burst into a fit of laughter.

I wish he wouldn't chat me up.

KELLY BEACONS Where stories live. Discover now