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      Can you imagine?. My teacher, I mean my biology teacher made me and the new kid. No,no,no, not kid. I feel like kid refers to a baby goat. So instead of saying kid I say person or classmate, anything other than kid.
    My biology teacher made me and the new classmate in my class to be partners. I fought to avoid such but it was futile. It was a biology practical where each pairs would carry out a protein test. I was so mad. There was no word to describe my situation right now. My class girls were giving me that look you know that kind of look that says "keep of he's mine." God! I didn't even want to be partners.
    Currently, were in the laboratory room. He was the one carrying out the test and I was taking notes. Suddenly he asked me a question.
  "What's your name." And mehn! my classmates were just staring.
  "My name?." I asked as though I didn't hear him.
   "Yes. Your name?."

     "Kelly .A. Beacons. But you can shove out the A. I don't usually use it. It's just like an unidentified letter." I said without looking at him.

"My name is Christopher Aiden Tall. Tall is my nickname." So you can just call me CAT."

"Okay" I replied

"Please write down this reagent." He stated


"Pass me the beaker"


"Why aren't you looking at me ?."


"See yourself" he lamented jokingly " you've been saying okay, okay to everything and now you almost replied okay" and I could see a small smile creeping through his face. He's handsome. Sandy was right. I thought.

"So why aren't you looking at me. I like it when someone looks at me while I speak to them."

I found it difficult to have direct contact with just anyone and he was a total stranger. I can have a direct eye contact with my teachers or elders but in my class it was a problem.

"Okay I guess you are shy. That's why you can't make eye contacts." He concluded. " It's okay to be shy though. Most of my male friends are shy. Though not all."

Such a talkative. I thought.

"What's that face?." He asked due to the uncomfortable look in my face.

"You're so loquacious." I told him with my mouth getting long at the mention of 'lo'.

And he suddenly started laughing.
And I could guess everyone turned and looked at us. And I could guess a second time that Sandy would kill me if she gets me.

"Am not loquacious one bit. This is the first time I have heard such. I only hear things like. ' Cat is so cool ', 'cat is fun to be with ' not ' Christopher is loquacious. Geez! That's harsh."

"Mmm" I muttered

"How about during break tomorrow, I would love to see and know more about the school. So we can sit and stroll while you tell me. Don't get me wrong, am suggesting you to take me round because you're the only one I have had a long chit chat. Is that okay with you?."

I didn't say anything.

"Very well then,I would take that as a yes." I was about protesting when the school bell rang signifying it was time to go home. He took his bag pack and said.
"It's nice knowing you. KB." And I was like. "What's that?." And he replied.

"Your name. Kelly beacons (KB). That's nice. I thought.

I was clearing and cleaning the desk when someone hopped on my back and I turned to see Lily with her Big, brown eyes.

"Hey. Do you want to Break my back.?" I shouted while asking

I was expecting her to say something or shout back but instead she asked.

"What were you and the boy discussing?."

I quickly pushed her away and picked up the beakers to put them in place.

"Tell me, tell me , tell me." She persuaded as we both left the laboratory.


KELLY BEACONS Where stories live. Discover now