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   My history teacher can be annoying at times. I told him I forgot my history textbook, but he insists I must carry out my punishment.

"Sir please I forgot my textbook. Not like I intended besides we are not even using it today." I explained.

"And how is that my business. You must serve your punishment."

"I can't do it. I can't possibly skip my classes for the rest of the day just to clean the library just because I forgot my history textbook." I protested.

"I see you've grown some wings Kelly."
  Right now, I didn't care. I hated being humiliated in front of anyone.

"Miss Kelly, would you rather go and clean the library and skip classes or you would stand there and question me."

"I rather question you. Why am I the only one who should clean the library whereas others forgot their textbook."

"Are you seriously questioning me right now Kelly?."

"Yes I am. Why am I the only one who should serve a punishment when others are still guilty. Are you punishing me based on some personal reasons? A..."

"Kelly you...

"No wait till am done speaking. You can't just silence me up for no reason. If you are punishing me partially because you have a problem with either of my parents or both then go sort it out. Don't pour your anger on me."

I don't know where and how I got the energy from but I liked it.

"To the principal's office immediately." He ordered.

I didn't have any words to exchange so I decided to leave.
    I was about leaving when I heard a voice saying.

"You just send students to the principal's office when you can't do anything." I turned back and saw it was Lily.

"She didn't do anything wrong." Half of the class shouted.

"Yes! She did nothing wrong. She spoke her mind and that is not an offence. Or is it? Lily questioned.

"I see you all are having attitude. You think you have authority or what. Kelly to the principal's office now." He banged his hands on the desk.

"If she should go to the principal's office and she gets punished unfairly. Then I, Lily Blossom would personally go to the manager and tell him that you punished a student based on personal reasons. And that is an offence in Schleiden's Academy. Shouldn't the teacher be the one teaching right now? Why is it...

Lily was cut short by mr Calvin who slapped her twice on her face. Immediately he slapped her, I started sobbing. Christopher came besides me. What is he doing here. I thought while sobbing.

"Mr Calvin, lily continued calmly. Do you also know that it is an offence to slap a student across their face. I call that harassment, which you just did now.

   After everything, the matter was taken to the principal's office though I was still given my punishment and I  had to do it. Mr Calvin was still in the principal's office. I guess we would find out  what would happen to him later on.

KELLY BEACONS Where stories live. Discover now