11 3 2

   I finally got home. I groaned so loudly while I lay on my bed. I thought about the days activities and drama while a smile crept into my face. I headed to wash myself up
   I had enough food during lunch, so I pushed the idea of eating again. Never for once have I fancied eating late into the night. I decided to chat Kelly up. I felt so scared whilst telling her I would chat her up. It seems she didn't notice.

* * *
My heart pounded loudly the moment a message from an unknown number texted me. It read 'hi'. I used 5 minutes contemplating whether or not to reply. I eventually replied.

ME: Hello Christopher.
      I shouldn't have added the last part. It was as though I have been expecting him to chat me up. Though I was expecting his message but ... nevermind...

    Can I video call you?


     K. I guess your camera shy. Most of my male friends are camera shy.

I was about replying to that when ..

     So what are your hobbies and interests?

ME :
  Talking about hobby, I really love to draw and paint. But it's been ages since I have done so.

  That's nice👍. So if you'd want to get back into painting, what would be the first tin u would paint

ME :
  I haven't given it a thought. Maybe flowers. I love flowers. Wat do u enjoy doing as a boy

    I enjoy travelling. I play football too. What kind of flower would you draw

ME :

    Woah. Surprisingly your friend's name is  Lily .

ME :
   Yeah. It's cool you love travelling but I don't really like it because I get bored and sleep throughout the journey.

    OOOH ! So what kind of movies are you into.

ME :
  I love k-dramas but more of the action type not the romance.

   Why don't you like the romance genre?

ME :
    IT'S obvious. People behave foolishly when they are in love and it gets so boring at a point but when it comes to action, everything just falls in place.

   👏👏👏 nice point.

ME :
    Talking about this love of a thing, I just remembered what transpired between Sandy and Henry. Would you like to know what happened between them?


ME :
  Okay. Henry used to crush on Sandy, the class president but she acted like as though she didn't care. On the day he was to confess his feelings to her, he came out during the morning gathering... Should I go on?


ME :
  That particular day, teachers got tied in a meeting. Anyways, he confessed his feelings to her. She just came up and she said something like. " You are definitely not the kind of person I would love to crush on. I can't even possibly date you. I get migraines whenever I sight you. What even gave you the audacity to ask me out. You that can't even afford to breathe." She went ahead and poured him a bottle of water. Everyone was like ' woah'. It was hilarious.

Did you enjoy my story?

  Yeah. 100%. Did she really say he can't afford to breathe.

ME :
  Not really. I added that part to make it sound realistic and also to suit Sandy's personality.

  I really really wish I was there. I would have been on  Sandy's side. You know I never ....

   It was already 11:35pm.

   Are you feeling sleepy?

ME :
  No. I lied

   What's your best color. Please don't say pink. I wonder why girls are so obsessed with pink and...

  We went on and on till like 4:00am. I didn't know the exact time but it was either 4:00am or 4:30am.

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