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      It was a Monday morning. Oh my God! I hated Mondays at home. Mondays were always rough. My mom was everywhere with her voice. She was my alarm on Monday mornings. Let me introduce my family members and I would love to do that in a descending manner .
       My father is an engineer and he's barely at home . He always travels which is his routine. When he comes back he usually stays 2-3 weeks at home and then he's off. He's name is Engineer Martins Beacons and truthfully speaking I love when he is at work.
     My mother is the sweetest person I have ever seen. I love her so much infact she's the best. My mom is a good person. She's my sweet mom and I love her. She is a full time house wife. Her name is Louwisa Beacons.
     I have a sister named Kristhiana and she's getting married soon probably next month. I am going to miss her badly. It's actually an arranged marriage and I know deep down she's not happy. My father is marrying her off to a wealthy man and there's nothing she can do about it. The name of my other sister was Klara. She was very intelligent and a noisemaker and finally the baby of the house Kelly that's me.
     In actuality, I had two other sisters who died years back. I never knew them well but I knew their names were Samantha and Savannah. They were twins and unfortunately they died some years in their marriage. Samantha died without giving birth while Savannah died leaving a child behind. Her name was Aisha. She was named by her mother. Aisha lived with us and attended the same school with me. Aisha never knew her father and I sometimes wondered where he was and why  he can't take care of his child.
      I know I said am the baby of the house buts that's not really true since Aisha started living with us. Aisha is ten (10). Too bad Kristhiana would soon leave too.

        Now back to Monday mornings. Like I said I hated Mondays especially if it was a school day.

"Kristhiana" my mom called. "Get Aisha ready for school"

"Kelly, come take your uniform it's downstairs"

"Klara what are you still doing?. You know you have to buy some pasta from the store today please hurry up "

"Kristhiana bring Aisha downstairs please. You too come downstairs for breakfast "

"Kelly your school bus would be here any minute from now. Hurry downstairs and have your breakfast "

"Am coming " I yelled

"Kristhiana please clear the table and bring down the tray"

"Everyone please get seated " and we all sat down and heaved a sigh of frustration because of my mom.

" Now that we are all seated, we say our prayers. Lord bless this food today and continue to provide for those who don't have . May you bless my daughters and .... " And we all chorused "Amen".

Immediately I was done eating, the school bus came and I quickly held Aisha by the hand as we rushed outside. My mom called us back and handed us some pocket money and she touched our foreheads and muttered some words. What a prayerful mom. I thought as we both rushed to catch our school bus.

What do you guys think about the story so far? Am not a really good and perfect author,so I would really love and appreciate if you point out my grammatical errors and punctuation errors. 💜💜

KELLY BEACONS Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя