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Christopher's pov

Though I slept late, I felt the energy to get out of bed. It's been ages since I felt this much happiness radiating from within me. We kept on chatting on and on. It was as though it shouldn't end. I hurriedly had my breakfast and I waved Doris good bye.

* * *
Ooh my gawd! She looks gorgeous while sleeping. Stop it Christopher. I told myself. I just couldn't help but smile. From the way she slept, it indicates she didn't get enough sleep.
Slowly sitting down, my gaze was still on her.

"What are you looking at?." A voice questioned.

"Oh lily it's you . Nothing, I was looking at nothing." I warily replied.

Ignoring me, she went over to Kelly and began pushing her hard.

"Kelly why are you sleeping so early?."

"Kelly, Kelly, Kelly." She kept on repeating.

Kelly finally woke up and ...

"Yuck your drooling. Go wash your face." Lily insisted.

"Leave me....I want to sleep."

"Go wash your face.
She finally woke up. It happened so fast. I didn't know what happened. One second she was here and the next she wasn't. I wondered what made her run so fast . Anyways, she's cute and...ooh no Christopher.

Kelly pov

I didn't know when and how I took to my heels. I guess it was a voluntary action or was it an involuntary action. Whatever, i couldn't stand the shame of Christopher seeing me drooling all over my face. It was different with lily. She was my bestie and I could be ugly in front of her and It felt okay. But with another,no, no. It's a no. That was one reason I didn't sleep at school. I just couldn't help it today. I couldn't stop drooling no matter the position I slept in.

I stayed in the restroom for up to 5 minutes. I came earlier than usual to school today because my sister needed to leave early. My Mom called for her. I guess it was regarding sister kristhiana's wedding.
The school's bell could be heard from afar. It was time for the morning gatherings. I hated it. One reason I hated it was because it's so boring. The other reason is you could be called any moment to make a speech.

"Good morning beautiful students of Schleiden's Academy. It is such a beautiful morning indeed. Isn't it?."

"It is." Chorused the students.

Mrs rose was the one in charge of the morning gatherings today. She's my biology teacher.

"Let's get prepared for a speech."

There was an uproar amongst the students.

"Hush everyone. If you are called upon, step out."

Everyone tried avoiding her gaze. But there is something I have noticed about her. If you decide to avoid making eye contact, she would definitely call you. So I decided to look her straight in the eyes.

"Christopher Aiden from the senior section, please step out. Priscilla and David, step out too."

Christopher was about starting, when...

"And lastly Kelly."
My jaws dropped in frustration and surprise.

"The way you looked me in the eyes tells me you have something important to say." She stated.

"Christopher, you are going to discuss a topic on Agriculture. Priscilla and David, you two talk on chemistry and lastly Kelly... lemme think...

"Why was she thinking when it came to my turn. This is so frustrating." I told no one in particular, but Christopher who was close enough to hear, smiled.

"Kelly talk on biology."

"Ooh my goodness! I haven't touched my biology note since like forever.

Christopher talked about dicotyledonous plants. Priscilla and David talked about hydrogen bonds and lattice energy. Kelly talked about... I'm just standing here staring at everyone in their faces and lily whispered some words which made me remember something I read about Giraffes.

So I took a deep breath and began to speak. I told the audience about the giraffes long neck, which allows it to reach leaves high in the tress, and it's long tongue, which allows it to lick leaves off branches. I also talked about the giraffe's strong legs, which allows it to run quickly from predators.

"That was excellent, Kelly."

"Thank you."
Everyone gave me a round of applause, the same way they clapped for others. I felt so proud of myself.
I couldn't shake off the feeling that Christopher was watching my every move. When I looked at him, he quickly turned away.
At last we were back in class and I was informed that the principal wanted to see me.

* * *

"Good morning ma." I greeted. Mr Calvin was also there. Remember Mr Calvin. The history teacher, the crazy history teacher.

"Have a seat."

"Thank you."

"Miss Kelly, you probably know the reason you are called here. Your actions were absolutely speaking ill of you. I agree Mr Calvin actions were out of place too. But he's still your teacher."

I nodded in agreement.

"The disciplinary committee looked into the matter. Tomorrow morning, they would be present to hear you read the apology letter."

It seems she saw the confused look on my face. So she added.

"You are to write an apology letter and read it out loud tomorrow. The letter should be directed to Mr Calvin."

"Okay ma."

"You may leave." She concluded

I was on my way to the restroom when I met lily and Christopher. They were coming towards my direction.

"So what happened in there?." Lily asked

"Am told to write an apology letter and read it tomorrow. The principal and disciplinary committee will be present tomorrow."

"I don't like the idea but since the disciplinary committee is involved, you should write one."

"Yeah you should." Christopher urged.

"I can't write one at the moment. I feel so down." I blurted out.

"I will help you." Lily and Christopher both said in unison.

"Okay...go ahead. Help Kelly." Lily said while walking away.

"Catch you later." She added.

"You sure you can do it?."

"Yeah sure." We both left to the library.


Hi 👋 to my dear readers. This chapter seems like my longest chapter since I started writing. It wasn't easy. I have to admit. Anyways this chapter is dedicated to IhuomaAgwatu1, David_NL and TaylorDWorks. Am still thankful to all my other readers so I circulate the love with this emoji 💞.

Y'all 😊 don't forget to vote and comment. ❣️

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