Chapter Twenty-Five

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Tabitha was the only one who had an idea of what the movie was about

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Tabitha was the only one who had an idea of what the movie was about. Once we found the movie on the right streaming platform and it started to play, Marcus and Jaxon found their way into the room. When they started talking, they were shushed by the others and eventually sat down in some of the chairs.

The horrible CGI owl in the beginning almost made me pick out a different movie, but I just sat back and picked at my breakfast. I could have picked out something from a dozen other movies, but I remember as a kid a little younger than Rue how I loved this movie. My best friends and I would sing along with David Bowie and loved his hair and style. The fact that there were musical elements made me think it might appeal to my Queen Siblings, but then the adventure part might appeal to Rue.

Within the first ten minutes, Bjorn, Nathan, and Vinny make their way into the room. Nathan sitting next to my Queen Siblings, Vinny near Rue, and Bjorn sits on the couch with Kat and Caine. He was squeezing Kat between the two. Bjorn leans back onto the couch, throwing an arm over the back, if I reached out I could just touch his hand.

Once I'm finished with my food, Tank takes our plates and piles them on the arm of the chair I'm not pressed up to. Then he's lying on his side behind me, pulling me to his chest as the movie goes on. At some point, Tabitha shows me her phone. An email from the shifter pack, giving us three days from today. Not three from yesterday, which gave us a little more time to prepare for the meeting.

It let me sit back and relax as the movie continued to play. My Blood and family around me chatting in hushed whispers with each other and laughing at the cringiest moments. Being surrounded by people I care so much for, and watching a movie with them, made my chest hurt with how much I was enjoying this moment. It was something so simple, and relaxing and I knew we'd have to do this often. Have a movie night or morning as often as we can.

The movie passes by fast since I've seen it probably a hundred times. Tabitha is the first to get up then waves to me to follow as she passes. I move off of the couch, Tank following right behind and Bjorn stands after him. I follow behind Tabitha, the two behind me. She leads me down the hall, past the kitchen and living room to the hall on the other side of the house. I glance into an open door on the left and see a messy bed, clothes already strewn about the floor and a couple of pairs of shoes next to an end table and I smile. Rue's room and she was already making it her own.

Entering into the office I find that it's almost as large as one of the bedrooms. With a large fancy black glassy top looking desk, a high-backed white office chair behind it, and a plethora of white and navy colored chairs and a small couch in front of the desk. It was made for people to sit and chat, or for someone to work at the desk. There is only one small coffee table sat in the middle of the chairs and couch, then a few narrow but tall white bookcases sparsely filled with textbook looking books. It was pretty minimal, not much to indicate who actually lives here, just a templet for whoever takes over the house. There is a floor to ceiling window behind the desk, letting in a ton of natural sunlight, that part I loved.

On the coffee table, there are those blueprints for the house again, and two notepads, and a cup with a handful of pens. Tabitha moves over to one of the chairs, picking up one of the notepads. "Luna and I will make notes of things we want to be implemented in the nest house. Nothing is too small from outlet placement to wall colors. We will send our notes over to have the contractor look them over, once the bare bones are done we may be able to move in."

Tank makes himself comfortable on one side of the small couch, throwing an arm over the back of it. I take the notepad and pen from Tabitha as Bjorn walks in. He walks past me with a hand drifting along my back. I look up as he walks over to the chair, and look up some more.

My lips turn down in a frown. Grabbing his shirt I stop him from making it to the chair, he looks behind at me with a confused look. "My Queen?"

I pull him back a few steps and he turns so he's right in front of me. Looking straight ahead my vision is filled with his wide chest, the black t-shirt stretching tightly over muscle. It wasn't the tight shirt that caught my attention, it was the fact that my eye level was right between where his chest ended and his abs started.

"What's wrong?" Tank almost sounds bored, but he's leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and watching me closely.

I place the notepad on the top of my head, then move it forward to Bjorn, just an inch below his shoulder. Looking up into his eyes, then back down, I look back up. "You got taller."

"I may have." Bjorn lightly grabs my wrist pulling my arm down so he can fully look at me. "Your powers won't just change you, they'll change us. Albeit smaller ways."

I can't believe I hadn't noticed his height change before now. 

"Think I'll get taller?" Tank asks, Bjorn huffs out a breath, presses a quick kiss to my lips, and lets go of my wrist. When I take a step back Tank grabs my hips, much rougher than Bjorn would ever be. I'm pulled down onto Tanks lap and he presses his face into the crook of my neck. "Or maybe my dick will get bigger."

Without thinking, on just pure reaction to what Tank said, my hand whips back to hit him in the head with the notepad. And for what I think is the first time I've heard, Tank laughs pulling away to sit back against the couch.

"Crude." That makes him laugh at me more.

Before Tabitha can start us on our house-building plans, Marcus, Jaxon, and Kat pop into the office. Telling us they would be going to the prison and to meet with the lawyers to go over the game plan. I didn't need to be a part of the details, I didn't want the details, because I would have no idea what they were talking about. I didn't need to waste their time having them try to explain things to me.

Now the house planning, that I would take the time to learn. I have always been interested in architecture and interior design. In the sims building and decorating houses had always been my favorite part, in real life I've never had the money to do it. Now I could do whatever I wanted. There was no limit to what I could do. Well, there are some building limits to make sure the house is safe to live in.

But in the end, this new house would be mine, fully and completely. I'd finally have my own space, my own home, and my own family.

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