Chapter 11

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Han's POV:

I think I am the future me who is taking responsibility for the past me's actions. Because this all was a great idea last night, but then my head didn't feel like it would split open at any given moment.

"Here take this," someone said handing me a pill that looked like a painkiller and a glass of water.

"Yeah, thanks," I took the pill without a second thought. Call me stupid but I just wanted to make my head stop spinning.

Gradually my headache stopped and I looked down thinking of going back to sleep. Weird I don't think I had these bedsheets. Then my eyes fell on my shirt.

Okay. I didn't own this shirt

Inspecting the bed further I saw something lying on the bed at the opposite end of mine. Must be my clothes from yesterday.

It's a logical explanation. Until it moved. That's when I started to panic. I quickly got up only for 3 pairs of eyes to curiously follow me.


I quickly sprinted out of the room. Ending up in a living room. There was an arch that led into the kitchen from which I heard movement.

Logical thinking aside I would die in the horror movie first because I decided to check out who it was. At that moment previously mentioned creatures ran past me going straight into the kitchen.

Then the movement stopped and I heard footsteps coming my way.

I froze. I could hear my heart racing as my mind went blank. I had two options running and risking that the doors might be locked or screaming hoping the neighbors would hear me.

Carefully listening I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and when I thought he was about to enter the living room

"HELP MEE" I yelled as loud as I could.

The footsteps stopped. I slowly opened my eyes again and I saw a familiar silver hair leaning against the entrance arch and holding back his laugh.

"Well, good morning to you too, Darling," he said with a smile.

I don't know if I was more flushed from hearing the nickname or from the embarrassment. After blinking a few times, trying to calm down, and looking at him again his smile got  bigger.

"Now come on I made you breakfast," he chuckled and went back into the kitchen. I silently followed him in.

There was a kitchen island and a plate with fried eggs and bacon that's when I realized how hungry I was and finally checked the time on the clock on the wall.

Can you even call this breakfast at 1 PM

I sat on the barstool in front of the plate. While I was eating the room fell silent. He didn't eat instead he was making coffee.

"Do you want coffee with that?" He asked turning his head around. Since my mouth was full of food I just shook my head to which he just nodded.

I felt awkward because, first of all, I didn't even know how I got here. And you can't just straight up ask "Why am I here" Then I will seem like a total drunkard who is a lost cause once he drinks.

The last thing I remember was exiting the club with Chan Seungmin and I.N. coming to help get Chan home.


You know what fuck it and rather know what happened than be in this awkward situation.

"Just asking did something happen last night?" I asked looking down at my plate.

He took his mug and gasped "What? You don't remember?" I quickly looked up as he continued "After you were so loud last night?" my eyes widened and the heat came back into my cheeks.

I was what...

"Huh?" I gave him a puzzled look "How was I loud?"

"Goodness, you were so noisy you almost woke up half of the building," he said dramatically.

That didn't answer my question.

"Also interesting song choice" he laughed "I didn't expect to hear
Heartbeat by 2 PM at 4 AM coming from the hallway" I sighed in relief.

"And worst of all you left your key somewhere whined about how tired you were then passed out on your friend" The memories were starting to come back as he was explaining.

"I felt sorry for him, which I regretted" he mumbled the last part.

"Consider yourself lucky I don't sleep often," he said then continued "So I played the role of a good neighbor and offered to let you stay at my place" he gave me a sarcastic smile.

"Your friend finally agreed after making me swear five times that I wouldn't do anything to you" he rolled his eyes while u looked at him blankly. 

"Like does he take me for some kind of jerk or something" he rumbled.

"So nothing happened between us last night?" I asked to make sure I wasn't misunderstanding.

"No darling, get your head out of a gutter, I would use your drunken state  I'd much prefer it if you were sober for those kinds of things," he said while winking at me.

Yet again my cheeks went red thanks to him and I started back at my plate.

Then I remembered I could get a new key by calling my landlord. So after finishing the food, I gave her a call and went to get my clothes from the guest room, or was that his room?

While I was waiting for her to arrive I wasted my time playing with his cats in the living room. 

He was also there drinking his coffee on the couch while scrolling on his phone. I sat on the floor and started petting one of the ginger cats.

"Thank you by the way," I said still paying attention to the cat that was now laying in my lap.

He didn't say anything for a while.

"Anything for you, darling" he quickly said and left the room.

After a short while the landlady came and gave me a spare key. We said our goodbyes and I headed straight to my apartment.

After going in I came crashing onto the floor with a sigh. I finally heard my heartbeat.  My mind was going on a rampage. And the only thing that escaped my mouth was

Fuck you Lee Minho


This is the first chapter, ever for me, with over a hundred words and I am seeing a pattern of where I write the most when I have a lot happening in school anyway I hope you like it


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