Chapter 7

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Han's  POV: 

I was walking into the cafe for work. After changing I switched with IN. I scanned over the room and spotted a certain silver head.


It looked like he was working. I thought he was good-looking before but this is something else.

I didn't know I had a thing for glasses...

Unlike him, I was having a hard time concentrating the whole time. It felt like everything around, except him, wasn't important. I was quite lucky that there weren't many customers today.

 How can he just sit there and look attractive by just typing god damn? I wonder what he is writing because his expression constantly changes from annoyed to tired and a slight frown appears with every change. 

It looks like I was too busy replaying those moments in my head to notice him waving to get my attention. Once he saw me snapping out of my daydream a playful smirk appeared on his face for a second.

I quickly went to his table, trying not to think about how I just got caught shamelessly staring at him. 

"Yes, how can I help you?" I asked after putting on my business smile. 

"One more Americano please," he said with a smile.

He is even more beautiful when he is smiling

"Coming right up," I hurriedly answered wanting to leave the table as soon as possible.

As soon as I left he went back to work. God how I wish preparing an Americano would take longer.

Many thoughts went through my head as I was walking back. 

Fuck it. If Felix can do it so can I

"Here you go," I said gaining his attention "Also, you wear glasses?" I asked.

Stupid I know but oh well

He took off his glasses and looked at me "Oh yeah I do" he answered "but I don't think I need them to see that we're meant to be together" he continued with a playful smile on his face.


My face was burning, I bet I looked like a tomato. I could hear him chuckle at my reaction it sounded menacing.

"You know you could have talked to me earlier instead of staring," he continued to laugh.

"YOU SAW THAT!?!" I whisper-yelled.

"It was quite obvious" he shrugged.

God I want the earth to open and swallow me whole, but I need to keep it cool somehow.

"If we are meant to be how come you were coming to the cafe and never asked for my number?" I asked while crossing my arms.

"Would you believe if I said I was afraid" he smiled at me again but this one was more soft.

"Somehow I do not," I answered taking into consideration Felix's behavior and that they are brothers.

"You are right I wasn't, this was just the first chance I got," he said laying back in his chair.

His face shifted from a smile to a smirk as he closed his eyes to stretch.

"So may I have your number," he asked averting his attention back to me.

"You are not even gonna ask if I have a boyfriend," I replied with a smile.

"Even if you did I bet I am better than him," he said confidently.

"Alright" I laughed and extended my hand and he handed me his phone.

Contact name: ✨Hannie

"Here you go, Mr. Confident," I said and gave him his phone to which he smiled.

"Thank you very much, it's an honor to have your number," he jokingly said while bowing his head.

At that moment a customer came in.

"I have to go back to my shift, see you around" I smiled at him and walked away.

"Yeah see you" and with that, he took his things and left.

When I finally arrived behind the counter my brain started to process what just happened.

I could finally hear my heart which was racing while my mind was a mess.

After taking a deep breath I calmed down, the realization hit

I just gave my number to a hot guy


When procrastination meets writer's block, you end up not publishing for who knows?


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