Chapter 10

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I was just playing some games on my PC when my phone rang, which was weird since it was 4 in the morning.

Anyway, I checked my phone to see who it was.

It was Seungmin... Now that's even more unusual. First of all, the time, second of all, Seungmin is more of a texter than a caller. I picked it up.

"Heyyyyy Innieeeee," said Han sounding drunk as hell. In the background, I heard Seungmin curse.

"Give me that," he said in an annoyed tone "Heyy can you come pick up  Chan, please?" he sounded exhausted. The question sounded more like a desperate need.

"I have to take Han home and Chan's house is the opposite way and since I don't know anyone else who would be awake can you please come?" he sighed after explaining the situation.

After some thinking which lasted for about 30 seconds and taking into account that I am bored as fuck.

"Sure, send me the address you owe me though," I said in a kinda happy voice.

"Okay fine, thanks," he said sounding sarcastic. He later hung up. A few minutes later I got a notification:

Mongmong sent you his address

I put on my leather jacket, took my keys, and headed out. After about 15 minutes I was in front of the club. Han started waving in my direction while Seungmin tried to make him keep his balance. I greeted them and looked around trying to find the person I was supposed to take home.

And there on a bench, under streetlights was a certain blondie smiling like he was the happiest human on the planet. Seungmin and Hans' Uber arrived so I waved then goodbye and headed to the said bench.

"Hey hyung," I said with a smile."INNIE," he shouted his smile getting bigger when he saw me and so did mine.

"Let's go home, shall we," I asked keeping the same expression on my face

"I don't want to though" he whined, I sighed.

And here I thought it would be easy

"Come on hyung you'll be....cold," I paused only now taking a look at his outfit. Safe to say my brain short-circuited.

He was wearing all black, I would be surprised if he had any other color in his closet. It was a set of a black blazer and trousers in the same color. And that's it. Nothing underneath the blazer. The cut of the blazer exposed a portion of his chest.

Who would have thought he would be acting cute in that kind of outfit?

"Fine," he said with a pout, that brought me back to reality. He was clearly not happy, but that's for now he will be thankful tomorrow because he didn't catch a cold.

Once we got into the car, with him sitting in the passenger seat, I quickly turned on the heater as well as the seat heater. The angry expression quickly melted away once the warmth kicked in and he was back to the smiley Chan from earlier.

The ride was majorly silent with some music in the background and Chan asking some random questions here and there.

Another 15 minutes later we arrived outside his apartment building. I parked outside, and as soon as we stopped Chan unbuckled his seatbelt.

And then he stopped. He turned away from the door and looked in the eyes. I am not sure what that look was, his eyes were dark I don't know if that's the right word.

"Innie?" he said still not breaking the eye contact. I hummed in response.

"Can I kiss you?" his voice suddenly turned on a serious side.

Huh did I hear that right...

"What?" I was still taken aback by that question.

"Can I kiss you?" now even more determined. It didn't help that he asked twice.

"No," I said my voice unintentionally turned cold. He was drunk I am not a jerk to kiss a drunk person.

"Hyung you probably aren't thinking straight," my expression turned sad so did his.

That's right he is not completely conscious

"Yeah, you are right," he nodded. "Want me to walk you to your apartment?" I asked trying to lighten the mood. He quickly nodded his eyes brightened as well.

We got out not saying a word until we reached the door.

"Well, I'll see you..."I was cut off by something pulling me down and pressing his lips against mine then quickly pulled away and rushed into the apartment. The last thing I saw was a blonde head running before the door closed.

I was multifunctioning. The next thing I knew I was inside my car. Everything before that was a blur.

Chan kissed me...

I pressed my forehead against the steering wheel and sighed processing the past events.

I stayed outside the building for another 45 minutes.

If only you knew Hyung...


First kiss of the book 😁

Chan's outfit for reference:

Chan's outfit for reference:

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That is all ;)


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