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James pov
Today is the day we go home.
Dr Hendrix: Mr Adams. James you can go home after your carer signs the papers
James: David sign quick. I wanna go home
David: alright buddy. Calm down
James: David come on let's go home
David: okay but we gotta pick up Liam and Lila on the way.
James: Where are they?
David: at chris'
James: okay
We left and went to meads.
David: come on then
We went to meads and David and Chris were talking. I went to find Liam and Lila. I walked to what looked like the spare room.
James: hi guys
Lila: James!
She ran over and gave me a hug
Liam: how you feeling?
James: alright. We're going now
I ran and jumped down the stairs.
David: James take it easy
James: but I'm fine now
David: I know but we just need to be careful okay
James: whatever.
I went out to the car and put some music on.

David pov
David: we're gonna be in for a fun week
Chris: good luck
David: I'm gonna need it. How do you tell a hyper kid who has just come out of hospital after a week that he needs to slow down and take it easy?
Chris: no clue
David: we should go. Thanks for having them
Chris: it's no problem. They are welcome anytime.
I went out to the car and we drove home. As the car pulled into the drive, James jumped out and ran into the house. We all followed after him.
David: you need to calm down okay. You have to take it easy you just got out of hospital.
James: I feel fine now
David: if your brain gets overloaded or overworked you'll have a seizure.
James: it's fine.
David: James
James: fine I'll try take it easy
I just shook my head at him
James: can I take tomorrow off?
David: we'll see
He ran upstairs

James pov
I ran upstairs and jumped into the shower. There's something about hospitals that makes me feel so dirty. I played my music and started running the water for the perfect temperature. I was about to get in until I heard knocking on the door. I put my shorts back on and opened the door
James: what?
Liam: dad told me to tell you to keep the door unlocked and opened a little
James: what if someone walks in?
Liam: that's why we have a shower curtain. I'll tell them you're in the shower anyways
James: thanks
I closed the door a little and went back into the shower. After I got changed into a set of pyjamas and just sat on my bed.
Sheryl: Kids dinner!
I just stayed in my room
David: James! Dinner!
I just ignored him. After about 5 minutes I heard footsteps and then a knock on my door. I still didn't answer
David: James you okay in there?
James: I'm fine go away
David: your dinner is ready
James: I'm not hungry
David: you need to eat
James: just put it in the microwave I'll have it later
David: James?
He walked in
David: James?
James: just fuck off and leave me alone
David: who do you think you're talking to?! you don't ever talk to me that way! You hear me!
He got closer and I put my hands over my head
James: I-I'm sorry

He walked out before slamming my door shut and went back downstairs
Urgh why am I like this? I bet they're fed up with me. What if they send me away? What if they hurt me like dad did?
I just laid on my bed zoned out facing the ceiling. I don't know how much time had gone past until my thoughts were disturbed by a knock on my door
Sheryl: James can we talk to you darling?
James: no
Sheryl: what about if it's just me?
James: fine
She walked in and sat on the edge of my bed
Sheryl: what's going on?
James: nothing
Sheryl: I don't believe you. You haven't eaten and you snapped at David for no reason. Now I know something is going on just talk to us.
James: it's nothing why can't you just leave me alone.
Sheryl: we just want to help you what's going on in that head of yours?
James: I've already told you it was nothing. Are you deaf or just fucking stupid
Sheryl sighed and got up walking out my room. I got up and slammed my door shut
James: urgh
I punched the wall. Now they're definitely sending me away. I got my phone out and rang Cory
Cory: hello
James: I messed up
Cory: James? What's going on?
James: I keep shutting them out. I'm pushing them away and I don't know why. What if they send me away? What if they-
Cory: if they what James?
James: if they hurt me
Cory: like dad?
James: I can't go through it again. I pushed dad too far. What if I'm doing it to them too? What if I'm pushing them too far? I nearly pushed David. He nearly lost it with me
Cory: you need to talk to them James. You need to open up to them and tell them how you feel
James: I know it's just hard. I've never had to really say how I feel you and Jordan could just tell. I've never really opened up to anyone
Cory: talking to them might help you get rid of some of this anxiety
James: I guess so
Cory: I gotta go but we'll speak soon okay
James: okay

I just sat there conflicted with all these thoughts. I got up and went downstairs.
Sheryl: kids can you go upstairs while we speak to James please?
They left and I sat on the sofa. We just sat in an awkward silence. I got up and started pacing fidgeting with my fingers
Sheryl: what's going on James? And don't say nothing because I've had Cory on the phone worrying about you. Did we do anything to make you not trust us?
David: sit down James
I sat down away from them
James: No it's just- nevermind.
Sheryl: we can't help you if you don't talk to us
James: really it's whatever. I'm just being stupid.
David: I'm sorry for shouting earlier. I was just letting a bad day at work control my emotions. I shouldn't have reacted like that especially after what you've been through.
James: I deserved it. I deserved it then and I deserve it now.
Sheryl: oh James
She came over and sat beside me with her arm around me
Sheryl: that will never happen again okay. Your safe with us. We'll never hurt you
James: I push people. I did it to dad and I'll do it to you without realising. This is what I do.
David: what can we do to make this easier for you?
James: I don't even know. I just fuck everything up
Sheryl: No you don't. I know it's not easy but we'll get through it and you know why?
James: why?
Sheryl: you're our kid now and if you'll have us we'll be your mum and dad.
James: what do you mean?
David: we want to adopt you.

James WilsonWhere stories live. Discover now