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It's been a few days since David and Sheryl took me in. I havent been back to school yet but I'm going back tomorrow. I want to surprise everyone.
David: James up for school
James: I'm up
David: get ready. Your gonna be late.
I got ready and went downstairs.
David: Your gonna have to get something to eat on the way to school
James: okay
David: I'll drop you to the station

We went to the station and I got the train. I arrived at school and got something to eat from the canteen. I was early so I went to look for Mr bell. I went to his classroom and he was making some books.
James: well if it isn't Mr Steven Bell
He looked up in shock
Mr Bell: what you doing here? Go
James: I'm finishing the year here
He came up and hugged me.
James: I don't think that's allowed sir
Mr Bell: your family kid
I sat down and we were just talking
Mr Bell: I never thought I'd say this but I missed you trouble. It's been quiet without you.
James: how's Jordan and Cory?
Mr Bell: they're alright. They mention how weird it is at home. Jordan's doing his exams at the moment
James: that's cool
Mr Bell: how's it with your foster family?
James: it's okay. It's weird tho
Mr Bell: why
James: because i still expect to get beaten. I've tested them and pushed them but they haven't touched me once.
Mr Bell: that's a good thing
James: I know but I guess I just got used to it
Mr Bell: your dad's funeral is at the end of the month
James: oh I didn't know. would it be bad if I didn't go?
Mr Bell: I understand why you don't wanna go but I don't want you to regret not going
James: I'll think about it
Mr Bell: Cory and Jordan know your back?
James: no not yet
Mr Bell: well you've got 10 minutes till form starts so?
James: can we just talk? It's nice to have someone to talk to
Mr Bell: you don't talk to your foster parents?
James: not really. I don't know why I just feel like I can't. I'm not their kid so why should they help me
Mr Bell: well they wouldn't have accepted to take you in if they didn't want to help you
James: I guess
Mr Bell: just give it a try. You might feel better
James: okay
Mr Bell: what's the family like?
James: well Sheryl is a nurse and David is an English teacher. There's Liam who is 14 and Lila whose 9.
Mr Bell: what are they like?
James: Liam is kinda like me except for the hyperness and Lila is quite shy
Mr Bell: nothing like you then
James: nope
Mr Bell: what school you moving to after?
James: Waterloo Road. It's where David works
Mr Bell: someone to watch your every move
James: I feel like if he sees how I behave then he'll hate me. I don't want to ruin it for him. He's had no problems with his kids and I turn up and all I cause is trouble
Mr Bell: you try your best
James: yeah but no one cares about that they get tired of my bullshit. I exhaust people. Look what it did to my dad. I pushed him and pushed him till he hit me. Parents don't hit their kids if they love you. My dad hated me that much that he would beat me nearly everyday. I did that. I drove him to it. I'm the problem.
Mr Bell: it will get better you just have to give them time. Parents shouldn't hit their kids no matter what.
James: I guess. Is it bad that I hate him even after a died?
Mr Bell: why do you feel that way James?
James: I don't know. Maybe the fact that he battered me so bad that it triggered seizures, or the fact he was never a dad to me or maybe when he was watching me and he got too pissed he fell asleep while leaving a pizza in the oven and nearly burnt the house down
Mr Bell: Oh James
James: it's fine it's whatever.
Mr Bell: what's bothering you James?
James: it's just Cory used to say that I shouldn't hold it against him cause being an alcoholic is an illness.
Mr Bell: feel how you wanna feel. No one can invalidate your feeling
James: I guess
The bell rang for form and everyone started walking in.

Daniel: James
James: hey
Daniel: I thought you left?
James: foster parents said I can finish the year then after I'll move school
Daniel: how is it?
James: it's alright. It's not here but it's okay
Mr Bell: settle down boys. Settle down
I sat down next to Daniel and Michael.
Mr Bell: right so today we are gonna work in twos
Everyone moved and me, Michael and Daniel just stayed where we were.
Mr Bell: I said groups of 2. James come work with Sarah.
James: not happening. I'm staying where I am.
Mr Bell: we're gonna wait until James moves
Bailey: ey just move man it's not that deep
James: fuck sake
I got up and sat next to Sarah
Mr Bell: right well for this session talk of how

Daniel PoV
Mr Bell: right well for this session we have to talk about alcohol and it's effects on the body.
I looked over at James and he was just staring into space. After a few seconds he came round. He looked over at me and just nodded.
Mr Bell: in your pairs I want you to write down what you already know.
He walked over to James and I was James shake his head
Sarah was talking to James and he got up and slammed his hands on the table
Mr Bell: James
James: fuck off
Daniel: James
James: Danny fuck off
He walked out slamming the door behind him
Daniel: sir?
Mr Bell: go on
I ran outside looking for James. I couldn't see him. I walked around for a while when Missy called me.
Missy: Daniel come here quick
I ran to her and James was on the floor seizing.
Daniel: how long?
Missy: I don't know. He was seizing when I got here
Daniel: shit erm do we get Cory or Jordan
Missy: go get one of them
I ran to miss keanes class. I knocked and walked in
Daniel: Miss I need Jordan
Miss Keane: what for? You can't just expect me to allow him to leave
Daniel: it's his brother miss. It's urgent
Jordan looked at me and I nodded
Jordan: Miss it's important please
Miss Keane: fine but you're catching up after school
Daniel: Jordan hurry up
Jordan: what's going on?
Daniel: seizure

We ran to Missy
Jordan: how long?
Missy: I don't know exactly but it's been a while
After a few seconds the seizure died down to twitches before stopping completely.
Jordan: why's he back?
Daniel: foster parents said that he can finish the year here. He was gonna surprise you and Cory.
Jordan: oh
We were talking when we heard groaning and James was tryna sit up
Jordan: lay back down James
James: j-j-j
Jordan: it's okay. I'm here. Take your time.
James: (slurring) J-Jord i erm i hurt feel head weird hurt
He tried to speak again but his words were slurring.
Daniel: is the slurring normal?
Jordan: not really but just means that the seizure was longer than normal. I was told that it's just his brain trying to catch up as he comes around. We just have to keep an eye and if he goes into another one without speaking clearly, then he'll have to go to the hospital
James was still laid on the floor. He was slowly began coming back.
James: J-Jord
Jordan: how you feeling?
James: head hurt. Why am I on the floor? Did I have a seizure?
Jordan: yeah you did. Did you take your meds today?
James: yep
Jordan: how you been tho?
James: alright
Jordan: how's your foster family?
James: fine. Strange but it's alright
Jordan: why's it strange?
James: I keep expecting to get hit
Jordan just looked at him.
Jordan: I'm sorry I haven't been in touch as often. I just thought that you had a better family so you don't need me anymore
James: you're my brother. You're my favourite person in the word. Don't tell Cory I said that.
Jordan: you should get to your next class. What you got?
James: English with miss Keane
Jordan: I'll walk with you
We started walking and the atmosphere just felt awkward
Jordan: dads funeral is at the end of the month
James: okay
Jordan: you gonna be there?
James: I don't know yet
Jordan: what's there to think about? He was our dad
James: he abused me all my life. He may have been a somewhat dad to you but he was never a dad to me. I hate him and I'm glad he's dead.
Jordan: James
James: no fuck off

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