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Lunch time
Me and Jordan were playing football in the playground. I was in goal and Jordan was taking shots against me.
James: from there
Jordan shot and I saved it. He was taking shots against me for about 30 minutes until he volleyed the ball and it went flying through a window.
James: Nice shot you fucking idiot
Jordan: Shut the fuck up
Of course the window he hit was the one to Mrs Carters office. Mrs Carter and Mr Bell came rushing outside and they looked beyond pissed
Mrs Carter: any of you want to explain why a ball has gone through my window
Jordan: James kicked the ball and broke the window
James: What the fuck no I didn't
Jordan: you did
James: How the fuck can I do it if I'm in goal?
Jordan: No you weren't I was
Mrs Carter: James isolation now
James: why the fuck am I going it wasn't me?
Mrs Carter: James now
James: no it wasn't my fucking fault
Mr Bell: hey watch your language
James: it wasn't me
Mrs Carter: James I'm not playing isolation now
James : this is fucking bullshit
I stormed up to Jordan and went to swing for him but before I could Mr Bell grabbed me. He then took me to isolation .
Mr Bell: your gonna stay in here for the rest of the day
James: fuck off
Mr Bell then left. How the fuck am I getting the blame? It was Jordan and his dumbass that did it. Why don't they believe me? I was getting angrier and angrier to the point I just exploded. I threw everything off the desk. I threw what ever I could at the wall. I ripped the posters off the wall. I punched the wall leaving many holes. The teacher in isolation called Mr Bell. He ran into the room and wrapped his arms around me so I couldn't do anything else.
Mr Bell: calm down kid
James: get the fuck off me
Mr Bell: hey
James : get off me
Mr Bell: hey hey it's okay
James: let me go
Jordan must have got sent to isolation because he walked into the room and when I saw him I just saw red. I lunged at him and began punching him.
James: you fucking son of a bitch
Mr Bell: get off your brother now kid
Mrs Carter heard all the shouting and rushed to isolation
Mrs Carter: What the hell is going on in here?
Mr Bell pulled me off Jordan and I walked towards the door
James: i fucking hate it here and I hate you.
Jordan: Mum should have killed you when she had the chance
James: take that back you dumb son of a bitch. I hope you get killed and I never have to see your fucking face ever again.
I went and swung for him but before it could connect Mr Bell pushed me out of the room
Mr Bell: where the hell do you think your going?
I ignored him and walked out of school

Mr Bell (Steve) pov
What the hell just happened? His mum tried to kill him. Damn kids been through a lot.
Steve: imma go look for him
Mandy: leave him to cool off
We went to speak to Jordan
Steve: Jordan what happened outside?
Jordan: I was taking shots against him and the ball went through the window
Steve: Jordan
Jordan: hmm
Steve: did you break the window?
Jordan: er no
Steve: I'm gonna ask again and if you don't tell me the truth you're not gonna like what happens next. Did you break the window?
Jordan: fine it was me
Mandy: so you thought it was okay to blame your brother
Jordan: I didn't want to get into trouble
Steve: since when does Jordan Wilson not want to get in trouble
Jordan: you don't understand I can't get in any more trouble or...
Steve: or what Jordan?
Jordan: it's nothing never mind
Steve: Jordan what is it?
Jordan: nothing it's just that I er would have been grounded for the rest of my life
I knew there was more to it but he weren't gonna talk so there was no point in forcing him.
Steve: well you've just earned yourself two weeks of isolation and a meeting with us and your dad
Jordan: can you keep my dad out of this?
I looked at Mandy and she nodded her head
Mandy: i won't have a meeting but I need to call him in to talk about replacing the window and James walking out of school
Jordan: o-okay
I had a bad feeling but just ignored it.
Steve: sit down and write an apology to both Mrs Carter and your brother

Jordan pov
I felt bad for what I did. I really shouldn't have blamed him it was only because I'm scared of what dad would do. I expected him to be mad but not like that. I can't imagine what dad is gonna do to him but it's not gonna be good. I knew I had to find Cory. I ran out of isolation and down to the sixth form room
Cory: Jordan what are you doing here?
Jordan: James ran out of school and he might do something stupid
Cory: what do you mean?
Jordan: I might have got him in trouble and he had a big anger outburst
Cory: how big?
Jordan: let's just say this one was one of the worst it's been in a while
Cory: ah shit we need to find him
Jordan: just leave him too cool off
Cory: him being this mad can trigger a seizure then what huh?
Jordan: I'm sorry. I said something but just know I didn't mean it I was just angry I weren't thinking
Cory: clearly you wasn't otherwise we wouldn't be in this mess
Jordan: yeah but remember what dad said if I get in trouble again
Cory: okay but he said the same to James and we both know that James gets it worse
Jordan: ah shit
Cory: you may have just got him killed
Jordan: fuck.
Cory: let's go.
We were walking to where James is more likely to be. A tree house dad used to go to take us before he started drinking.
Cory: so what did you say to him?
Jordan: I said that mum should have killed him when she had the chance
Cory: you fucking idiot why did you have to bring that up?
Jordan: it just slipped out I wasn't thinking
Cory: well done genius now the nightmares are probably gonna come back
Jordan: I'm sorry
Cory: forget it let's find him

James' pov
I went to pick up from my dealer and got my usual a 3.5. Cory keeps telling me to stop smoking and I did but after today I need something to stop my thoughts racing. I went to the corner shop and got someone to buy me a grinder, filters, papers and a lighter. I went to the treehouse and rolled up a joint. I took a few puffs and I started relaxing. By the time I had finished the joint I could hear Cory and Jordan.
Cory: James!
Jordan: James where are you?
I saw two blobs in front of me.
Cory: James
James: hey guys
I was avoiding looking directly at them and they realised
Cory: look at me
I kept avoiding their eyes
Cory: hey James look at me
He grabbed my face and looked at my eyes
Jordan: what have you taken?
James: I only smoked weed
Cory: you fucking idiot
James: I'm sorry
Cory: let's get you home
James: but dad?
Cory: I'll sort it. Come on
We went home and I went straight to bed.

Cory pov
Cory: you know this whole thing is your fault
Jordan: I know I'm sorry I'll talk to him
Cory: when dad comes back he's fucked and it will be your fault. Whatever dad does is on you
It's been 5 hours since we got home and dad should be stumbling through the door any minute now
Me and Jordan were on the PlayStation when we heard the front door slam shut
Dad: (slurring) boys I got dinner!
Cory: Jordan go downstairs and help dad
Jordan went downstairs so now to wake up James.
Cory: James wake up

James pov
Someone was shaking me and I just wanted to sleep
James: fuck off
Cory: wake up dinner now!
James: fine just stop yelling
Cory: you sobered up?
James: mhm that weed was weak as hell
Cory: we need to talk about that
James: it's nothing i just needed something to stop my mind racing and the thoughts of mum to stop. It made everything go away
Cory: I understand that but your only 12 you shouldn't be smoking let along smoking weed
James: I know I'm sorry
Cory: it's okay come on let's have dinner
James: w-what if if he h-hurts me?
Cory: I don't think he knows otherwise he would have beat your ass already
That did nothing for my anxiety. We went downstairs and sat on the sofa. I sat furthest from dad.
Dad: (slurring) so how was school?
Jordan: it was good
We sat in silence and ate dinner. It was takeaway so i put the rubbish in the bin. Cory went upstairs and Jordan left. They both just left me alone with him.
Dad: (slurring) imma get another beer
James: you've had 4 already but who's counting?
Dad: (slurring) why did I get a call from school?
James: how would I know I didn't answer the phone did I?
Dad: (slurring) I've had just enough of you
James: I'm not too fond of you either dad
Dad: (slurring) why did your mum have to leave me with a hyperactive little shit like you. You and your brothers are ruining my life.
James: and your nothing but a loser. Always talking about how crap your life is. What about us tho ey? We lost our mum but no it's always poor old Kevin. You know how much I hate this place. Seeing your miserable face everyday. I wish it was you that died not mum. I hate you I fucking hate you.
Dad threw me against the wall then I hit the floor.
Dad: (slurring) I've had enough of you
Dad started laying into me each punch and kick getting harder. Cory ran downstairs and just stood in the doorway
James: Help please
Cory just stood there staring. Dad finally had enough and went to grab another beer. I stood up and stumbled upstairs pushing past Cory
Cory: James wait
I got to my room and phoned Jordan. My vision was going blurry and my head was pounding and felt weird
Jordan: hello
James: h-hurt
Jordan: What do you mean hurt? Where's Cory?
James: watch
Jordan: bud your not making sense
James: home
Jordan: what happened bud?
James: (slurred) hurted. Head weird. Sleep
Jordan: ah shit no no Jay I need you to stay awake for me
James: m try
The pounding got worse and everything went black.

James WilsonWhere stories live. Discover now