Last day of Ackley?

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Cory: Jordan! James!
I got ready for school. We ran downstairs and sat at the table for breakfast. Cory gave us our meds and I pretended to take the ADHD ones.
Cory: we need to talk
James: whatever it is, I didn't do it
Jordan: it's nothing like that you idiot
Cory: Mrs Carter is gonna talk to the social worker and you and Jordan will be put in care.
James: when?
Jordan: I'm not sure but the social worker will speak to us first
James: whatever
I walked out the house and went to school. I went to my form room and mr Bell was there. I knocked on the door and he let me in

Steve pov
I was marking some books when there was a knock at the door. James Wilson
Steve: what can I do for you James?
James: nothing I just came to say hi
Steve: you never come to me so what's up?
James: it's just erm
We were interrupted by Mandy
Mandy: can I have a word?
Steve: can it wait im in the middle of something?
Mandy: No Steve it can't wait
James: it doesn't matter sir it's nothing
James walked off
Steve: nice one mand. He came to talk to me which is a hard thing for him to do. He was literally about to tell me something and you walked in
Mandy: so that's more important than your marriage?
Steve: at the moment yeah. The kid has no one to look out for him. For him to come to me that took a lot and now he probably wouldn't do it again.
Mandy: whatever Steve

James pov
I was just walking around school when I bumped into Jordan
Jordan: you alright?
James: fine
Jordan: James talk to me
James: leave it Jordan
I went to walk away when Jordan put his hand on my shoulder to stop me
James: get the fuck off me Jordan
Jordan: not until you talk to me
James: why would I want to talk to you? You did this. You messed everything up. I hate you. I fucking hate you
I pushed him and he fell to the floor. I turned away and Cory was there. I'm guessing he heard everything
Cory: James
James: fuck off Cory
Cory: James I'm sorry. There's nothing we could do
James: you could've kept your fucking mouth shut.
As the situation went on I could feel myself getting more wound up. Cory was frustrated and upset
Cory: James just talk to us
James: no leave me alone. I want to be alone.
Cory: it's for the best.
James: I want to stay here
Cory: well you can't
James: talk to them
Cory: I just want to be able live my life
My eyes went wide
James: I hate you

I punched him and walked away. My breathing was getting heavy and my vision was clouded by tears. I ran into the hallway
Mrs Carter: no running
I carried on running until i stumbled into a random class. it was getting harder to breathe and my hands were shaking. I was pacing up and down the classroom. It's all my fault. What if I never see them again. Did Cory mean what he said? I don't blame him for not wanting me. I wouldn't want me either.
I didn't even hear anyone walk in

Steve pov
Jordan and Cory were arguing with each other and Jordan punched Cory. I went over to separate them.
Steve: what the hell is going on?
Jordan: nothing
Steve: either tell me or you can go to isolation
Cory: this morning we told James about the social worker. He ran off and we bumped into him and he punched me and pushed Jordan. I upset him badly. I said I didn't want to look after him. But I only said it because I was getting frustrated
Steve: where's he now?
Jordan: he ran off
Steve: I'll go find him. You two just give him space. Let him get his head around it.
Cory: Thanks sir

I was walking around the school and I couldn't find him anywhere. I started checking classrooms and after 5 minutes I found him. I walked in the class and he was just pacing up and down.
Steve: James
He didn't answer. He was mumbling things to himself. I guided him to a chair and sat infront of him.
Steve: hey your okay. Everything will be okay. Your having a panic attack okay so we're gonna try and slow your breathing. Follow my breathing

I exaggerated my breaths and he copied them. A while later he started to calm down.
Steve: you okay a minute while I get you some water
He nodded. I got the water and gave it to him
Steve: you okay?
James: mhm fine
Steve: you don't have to pretend. I'll always be here for you. Your brothers too.
James: I know
Mandy knocked at the door
Mandy: James your social workers here she wants to talk to you.
James: Jordan and Cory?
Mandy: they're there too
James: can mr Bell come too?
Mandy: sure
We made our way to the meeting room
James sat down next to me and Cory and Jordan were furthest away.
??: hi I'm Alice your social worker. I understand that there isn't currently an adult in the house?
James: we're fine as we are
Alice: it's for your safety. No child under the age of 16 are legally allowed to live without adult supervision.
Cory: I'll look after them
Alice: it's not right for you to be responsible for two kids. Your still a kid yourself. You need to have time to be a teenager.
Cory: I'm fine
James: you just want to ruin our lives. Split us up
Alice: that's not at all what we want. We just want you to be safe. We've found a nice foster family for James and a group home for Jordan. Jordan when you turn 16 we can support you in getting your own place or you can stay till your 18.
James: so your just gonna split us up
Cory: where?
Alice: Jordan will be about 5 minutes away and unfortunately James there were no foster families or group homes near by
James: why can't I go with Jordan?
Alice: they only had one space and  that group home is essentially for over 14s
James: this is bullshit
Cory: where?
Alice: Rochdale
Jordan: where's that?
Alice: near Manchester
James: fuck no
Mr Bell: calm down
Alice: I'll be taking you to them tonight
James: I'm not going anywhere
Alice: I'm sorry
James: Cory please I'll be good. No trouble. I won't be annoying. I'll even let you play my Xbox
Cory: I'm sorry kiddo there's nothing I can do
James: Jord?
Jordan: I'm sorry
Cory: you have to go okay? I'll speak to you every day
James: please. You said us against the world. I wanna stay
I could see Cory was getting upset. He was trying so hard to stay strong. He had a look in his eye like he was gonna do something that he was gonna regret
Cory: just stop whining. Go. I don't wanna look after you anyway. All you do is cause trouble
James: you know what I fucking hate you. Your just like dad.
James stormed out the room slamming the door behind him
Cory: ah shit
Jordan: well done you fucking idiot
Cory: I I didn't mean it. I just wanted him to stop making it harder than it is
Jordan: oh by confirming everything dad has ever said to him
Steve: I'll go look for him

James pov
After Cory said that I was hurt and angry. He just said everything dad would say. Was I really that bad? My own brother doesn't want me so why would a random family want me?

I went to the Astro and just started playing football with some sixth formers.
When I'm playing football, all my problems go away. We finished the match and Mr Bell came over
Riz: your really good kid
James: thanks
Calum: you can play with us whenever you want
James: cool
Mr Bell: James
James: leave me the fuck alone
Mr Bell: he didn't mean what he said. He just wanted you to stop making it harder.
James: whatever
Mr Bell: what's going on in that head of yours?
James: nothing
Mr Bell: James
James: I don't want to leave. I actually like it here
Mr Bell: it's for your own good tho kid. You'll be able to see them in the holidays and that
James: I have to go with the lady don't I
Mr Bell: I'm afraid so kid
James: okay. I guess I should say sorry to Cory and Jordan

I walked off to find them. I went to the meeting room and they were still there
Alice: James I'll be at your house at 8
James: whatever
Alice left
James: I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything I said I was just angry
Cory: I'm sorry for what I said. I just thought that if you hated me then it would be easier to say goodbye.
James: i don't hate either of you. I didn't mean it I was just frustrated
Jordan: it's okay
Cory: we'll get a takeaway tonight. Have a movie night. Your favourite. Just like old times
James: okay. I've got to go to lesson

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