Surprise Pt 2

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I pushed him and walked off. I was walking around looking for mr bell when I saw Cory
Cory: James what are you doing here?
James: surprise im finishing the year here then moving school in September
Cory: what's going on?
James: just leave me alone
Cory: James
James: you can fuck off too
I went to my form room and mr bell was sitting marking some books
James: can I talk to you?
Mr Bell: sure what's up
James: I don't know what to do. It's all too much. Everyone keeps expecting too much from me and I can't do it anymore. I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore. Everything I do seems to be wrong or upsets everyone.
Mr Bell: alright calm down. Talk me through what's happened?
James: well Jordan he erm he

Steve pov
I've never seen him this overwhelmed before
James: well Jordan he erm he
Mandy: mr bell can I talk to you for a second?
Steve: can it wait? I'm in the middle of something here
Mandy: Well no it can't
James: it's fine forget what I was gonna say it doesn't matter
James walked out
Steve: really mand. He was about to open up on to me without getting physical. He came to me. Do you not understand how difficult it is for him to talk to someone about how he's feeling? It took a lot for him to come to talk to me. You always do this but when I need something I have to wait.

James pov
I was just looking for Cory when I felt all fuzzy and weird. Shit. I need to find someone. I walked into the sixth form room.
James: I erm I need Cory. Where's Cory?
Nasreen: you're his little brother?
James: 'm need Cory.
Nasreen: he'll be here in a second
James: need now weird fuzzy
Missy walked in
Missy: what you doing here James?
James: i erm Cory fuzzy too people much scary
Missy: I need everyone to get out now! Nas get everyone out and get Cory and Mr bell
Everyone left and I laid James on the floor and put a cushion under his head. Daniel walked in
Missy: don't fight it jay let it happen
James: n-no scared no
Missy: your okay James. I'm right here
Everything slowly went black

Steve PoV
Me and Cory ran to the sixth form room.
Cory: how long?
Missy: only just started
Daniel: this is his second one
Steve: I'll call his foster parents.
I went out and called them
??: hello?
Steve: is this David Adams?
David: yeah
Steve: hi David I'm mr bell from Ackley bridge college
David: what's he done?
Steve: nothing bad. It's just that he's had two seizures today
David: I'll come and get him. I just need to find some cover.
Steve: that's fine. I'll keep him with me until you arrive
David: thank you
Call ended

I walked back in and James was still seizing
Steve: how long?
Cory: 4 minutes
The seizure was slowing down before stopping completely.
Cory put him on his side
Cory: is he going home?
Steve: yeah
We were interrupted by groaning
James: ah shit
Cory: your alright Jamie. You've just had a seizure
James: I erm home go hurts
Cory: David's gonna come and get you
Steve: how about we go sit in Mrs Carter's office?
Cory: can I come?
Steve: sure
Cory helped him up and carried him to the office. He was laid down with his head on Corys lap as he was running his fingers through James' hair. He seemed to be more aware
James: would you be mad if I didn't go to dads funeral?
Cory: No I would understand why you don't want to go. I would like you there but I know how hard it will be for you. Why?
James: Jordan's pissed that I don't want to go. I thought he'd understand
Cory: I'll speak to him. The funeral will be on the 28th May at the church down the road. The service starts at 10am.
James: okay
Cory: I'll remind you closer to the date. If it's gonna be too much for you then you don't have to come. But it might give you a chance to say some things that you never got to were too scared to say
James: I erm I'll think about it
Steve: what did you want to talk about earlier?
James: dads funeral. But it doesn't matter now it was just I didn't know whether to go or not
Steve: oh okay
Lorraine walked in
Lorraine: James David's here to collect you
Cory hugged James and we started walking to the reception area. David was waiting so we went over to him. We shook hands.
David: you must be mr bell
Steve: and you must be David
We shook hands
David: how you feeling kid?
James: fine
David: let's go then

James PoV
We were walking to the car and we drove home.
David: you wanna come with me to pick Lila up?
James: sure. Can I still go to training later?
David: I'm not sure. You had two seizures today. Me and Sheryl agreed that if you have more than two seizures in a day then no training.
James: okay so if I have none from now till the time we leave I can go?
David: yes
James: okay
I made a bowl of cereal and watched on my block
David: you ready to go?
James: what's the time?
David: 3pm
James: yeah
We got in the car and began the drive. I connected my phone to the car and started playing my music. We arrived at Lilas school and picked her up then went home.
David: you got any homework?
James: no
David: let me see your planner
I took it out my bag and gave it to him
David: alright. You have until 6 then we have to leave
James: okay
I went upstairs and played my PlayStation. Hours went by
David: James you ready?
James: yeah
David: we're leaving
James: gimme 5 minutes
I quickly got changed into my kit and put my boots in my bag.
James: Can you grab me a lucozade and water please!?
I put on my crocs and ran downstairs.
Liam: He's waiting for you in the car
I ran outside and got in the car
David: you wasn't ready were you?
James: nope
David: how are you feeling?
James: fine
David: i don't want you to overwork yourself. If you need to take a minute then take a break okay?
James: yeah whatever
David: I'll be waiting in the car

We arrived at training and I put my boots on and went onto the Astro.
Daniel: hey kid
James: coach
Daniel: you ready?
James: yep
Daniel: I want you to lead the warm up today
James: why?
Daniel: duties of a captain
James: cool
We finished the warm up, did some drills then finished with a match.
James: Harry pass the ball
Harry ran with the ball and shot the ball wide
James: why can't you just pass the ball? I was open
Harry: chill out it's only training
James: whatever
Daniel: take a walk James
James: fuck sake
I walked off and the assistant coach Freddie caught up with me.
Freddie: we have 20 minutes do you want to go in goal or me.
James: I will
In the 20 minutes I saved 46 out of 50 shots
Freddie: would you ever consider being our keeper?
James: I don't know maybe.
Freddie: your really good
James: thanks
Freddie: looks like you should get going
I looked around and David was standing there
James: oh bye I guess
I walked to David
David: how was it?
James: it was alright

David pov
Daniel: erm David can I have a word?
David: James go wait in the car
I gave him the keys and we walked off
David: what's going on?
Daniel: we had a bit of a situation today?
David: what did he do?
Daniel: he got a little frustrated with another player so he went to work with Freddie.
David: okay
We went home and James had a shower then went to bed

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