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David pov
David: kids breakfast
Liam and Lila ran down the stairs while James walked slowly and unsteadily down the stairs.
Sheryl: you okay James?
James: mhm
I gave James his meds and he didn't even try fight me on it. That's how I know he wasn't himself today. Me and Sheryl both gave each other a look. We had breakfast and went to get ready. I went back downstairs and was talking to Sheryl when we heard a thud.
Sheryl: is everyone okay up there!?
Liam and Lila: yeah
Sheryl: James!
David: I'll go
I went upstairs to James's room. I knocked. No answer. I walking in and his pot of hair cream was on the floor and James was just standing still staring at the wall
David: James?
No answer
David: James?
After a few seconds he started blinking again
David: you okay?
James: yeah fine
David: 5 minutes then we're leaving
James: okay
I went back downstairs
Sheryl: he okay?
David: he had an absence
Sheryl: oh okay
David: you taking Lila?
Sheryl: yeah she has dentist first
David: you working today?
Sheryl: No
David: okay
I went to the stairs
David: Boys!
Liam ran and James just strolled down the stairs
Liam: dibs sitting in the front
James didn't say anything. Liam looked at me and I just shook my head. We were on our way to school and just talking.
Liam: you up for boxing after school?
I looked in the mirror at James and he was just staring and his face was lightly twitching.
Liam: is he okay?
David: yeah he's fine just give him a minute
After a few seconds he started speaking to Liam. We arrived at school. Liam went off to his friends and James walked with me
David: are you feeling okay?
James: I feel abit ill
David: ill how?
James: I have a headache and I feel sick
I felt his head and he didn't have a temperature
David: you don't have a temperature. Just see how you are today if you feel worse then go to the nurse. Make sure you drink your water and eat. I'll come find you at break to give you your meds
James: okay

James pov
This morning I had assembly. I made my way to the hall and sat right at the back. For some reason David was there and he was stood at the other side of the room.

David pov
Around 20 minutes into the assembly I looked at James and he was having another absence. He came round and looked back at the front. I went and sat next to him. After 5 minutes his head just dropped down. I put my hand infront so he didn't hit the chair infront. His upper body then slumped over. It lasted for about 20 seconds and he came round again.
David: you okay?
James: mhm
David: your having quite a few seizures today.
James: mmm
We reached the last 10 minutes of the assembly and I felt a weight just drop onto my shoulder. James had fallen asleep. The assembly had finished and everyone was leaving. I shook James
David: James wake up bud
He woke up and went to his lesson.

James pov
I went to my lesson and I felt worse than what I did this morning. For the whole lesson I fell asleep until I felt someone shaking me.
James: hmm
David: come on kid
David grabbed my stuff and walked me out the classroom. We were walking until I felt myself stop

David pov
James didn't look very good. He was pale, sweaty and just looked really ill. We were walking when he stopped. He had another absence but came round quite quickly. We were walking to the nurse's office when I felt James pull on my arm
David: what's up?
James: mumbling
His eyes rolled back and he dropped. I just about caught him and lowered him onto the floor. I put my jacket under his head. He began convulsing harshly and bloodied saliva trailed from the side of his mouth. I began timing it. Pained grunts left his mouth as the convulsions continued. After around 3 minutes the convulsions slowed down to slight twitches. I rolled him onto his side and the twitches stopped completely. Now I just had to wait for him to come round. After half an hour I heard him groaning.
David: hey your okay. You just had a seizure. But your okay now
James: home
David: I know. I need to ring Sheryl to pick you up
We went to the nurses office and she took his temperature which was a little high.
James: i don't feel good
He went even more pale and the nurse quickly gave him a sick bag. James then fell asleep
I went outside to ring Sheryl
Sheryl: hello
David: you need to come get James
Sheryl: why?
David: he's really ill. He's had 6 seizures today. 4 absences, 1 atonic and 1 tonic clonic. He's been complaining of a headache and feeling sick. He's literally just thrown up
Sheryl: crap. Okay I'll be like 5 minutes
David: okay
I went back in and James was asleep. I woke him up and took him to the entrance where Sheryl was waiting
Sheryl: ah come on kiddo let's get you home.

Sheryl pov
we went to the car and James fell asleep. We arrived at home and I walked him in. I laid him on the sofa so I could keep an eye on him. After about 2 hours he woke up for some water. I've noticed that he's drinking and going toilet a lot more recently. But I don't know if that's because he forgets to drink then drinks a lot because he's dehydrated.
Sheryl: how are you feeling now?
James: the same
He went back to sleep. A few hours later everyone came home and we had dinner. James ate then just went to his room. We went to bed and slept until we were woken by Liam
Liam: mum, dad wake up
David: hmm
Liam: James hallway now
We both shot out of bed and ran out to the hallway where James was seizing but it was slowing down. So he was seizing for a bit before Liam saw him.
Liam: I did what you taught us to do. I put something under his head and when it slows down lay him on his side.
David: you did good bud
Sheryl: honey go back to bed you have school tomorrow
Liam: but
David: Liam it's 4am. Go to bed
Liam: okay night
David: night bud
Liam went back to bed and we were just waiting for James to come round. It's been half an hour and he still hadn't come around
Sheryl: he's normally awake by now
David: I know but he's ill so it might take him longer to come round
We waited a little longer and he began to come around. He looked around confused and I could tell he was out of it still.
Sheryl: your okay sweetie. You had a seizure. Your okay now. Everything's fine
After about 10 minutes, he began to come around a little more
David: how you feeling?
James: hurts
Sheryl: can you tell me what hurts?
James: m-m-my h-h urgh
He started to get frustrated that his words weren't coming out
Sheryl: hey hey it's okay. Think about what you want to say
James: m-my h-h-h-head a-and m-m urgh
David: it's okay. It's because of the seizure. Why don't you point to what hurts.
He pointed to his head, stomach, arms and legs
David: wanna go back to bed?
James nodded his head and we helped him to his bed.
Sheryl: don't worry about school tomorrow okay?
I tucked him in and we went back to bed.

James WilsonWhere stories live. Discover now