Not you again

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I was walking to science when I bumped into Liam
Liam: you alright?
James: yeah
Liam: been good so far?
James: of course
Liam: keep it that way
James: eye eye captain
Liam: you wind up
I walked into my class. The teacher was looking for something in his desk.
Mr Mead: your late
James: no shit Sherlock
He looked up and his eyes went wide.
Mr Mead: you have got to be kidding me
James: missed me sir?
Mr Mead: and to think I got away from you
James: better luck next time
Mr Mead: how did they let you in?
James: if I tell ya I'll have to kill ya
Everyone started laughing
Mr Mead: alright joker go and sit down
James: yes miss. Oops I mean sir
Everyone laughed again
Mr Mead: your pushing it kid.
James: my bad
I went and sat down. I started drinking my water
Mr Mead: no drinking in here
James: but I'll die of dehydration
Mr Mead: then go outside and drink it
I walked towards the door
James: dumbass acting like the whole place will explode if I have a drink
Mr Mead: heard that
James: good for you
I went outside and ended up walking around for half the lesson until I bumped into David.
David: don't tell me you've been sent out already?
James: nope I had to drink my water outside and then I went to the toilet. I'm going now.
David: I'll walk you
James: I'm very capable of walking myself
David: I know that. I just want to make sure you don't take any accidental detours
James: whatever
We walked to my class and he nodded to mr mead. I went and sat back down. We were nearly finished the lesson when someone threw something and it hit Mr Mead.
Mr Mead: who did that?
He looked at me
James: I don't see why the fuck your looking at me for.
Mr Mead: some people are pointing at you
James: well they're fucking lying. If it was me I'd straight up say it was me. I ain't no pussy
Mr Mead: detention after school
James: fucking bullshit I swear. Just cause you fucking hate me. I get blamed for someone's dumb shit
Mr Mead: get out
James: don't want to be in this bullshit lesson anyway
I walked towards the door
James: fucking prick
Mr Mead: what was that did you say something?
James: oh my bad. Guess I didn't say it loud enough. I said fucking prick.
Mr Mead: cooler now
James: make me
I walked out and started walking around. The bell went and I slowly made my way to English. I went and sat down at the back and fell asleep until I was woken by a massive bang. Mr Budgen had hit a book on my desk.
James: what the fuck
I looked up at him
James: what the fuck is on your head? Is it alive
Everyone started laughing
Mr Budgen: read page 23
James: no
Mr Budgen: if you don't read it you'll have a detention
James: I don't give a shit
Mr Budgen: right you can do that reading with me after school
James: whatever. Fucking idiot
I started talking to the boy next to me Jack
Mr Budgen: well now we got conversations out the way
James: sh I'm tryna have a conversation here
Mr Budgen: why you talking whilst I'm teaching?
James: why are you teaching whilst I'm talking
Mr Budgen: cooler now! For the rest of the day
James: whatever
I walked to the door and turned back
James: oh by the way your fooling no one mate
Everyone started laughing and I left

I walked around the school and went to the car park.
??: you alright?
James: yeah why?
??: you look pissed
James: it's nothing
??: you can talk to me
James: it's just I've been in trouble already and it's my first day. It was supposed to be a fresh start. I promised my brothers that I would do better but I'm just letting them down.
??: Hey don't be so hard on yourself. I mean there's always tomorrow
James: I guess so
??: Names Donte
James: James
We shook hands
James: what you doing out here?
Donte: fixing this van for my wife
James: you have a wife? Your young still
Donte: I know but we thought why not. Hey do you wanna help?
James: sure. I'm in the cooler for the rest of the day anyways
Donte: grab that spanner and just undo the bolts
I did as he said. After about 20 minutes Mr Clarkson came over.
Mr Clarkson: it can't be done in a week, it's a wreck
Donte: this is mine and Chlos future
Mr Clarkson: I really wish you hadn't said that
James: have a bit of vision sir
Mr Clarkson: why you here?
James: just helping Donte sir
Mr Clarkson: why you not in lesson?
James: I got sent to the cooler
Mr Clarkson: what for?
James: I wouldn't read
Mr Clarkson: why?
James: cause I didn't want to
Mr Clarkson: you can't just not do something cause you don't want to do it
James: that's exactly what I'll do
The bell went.
Mr Clarkson: we'll talk about this later
James: whatever
I got back to helping Donte.
Donte: so what's the real reason you wouldn't read?
James: I didn't want to
Donte: you can tell me I won't judge. I might even be able to help you
James: why are you doing this? Why are you being nice to me?
Donte: because I was you kid. I still am. You just need someone in your corner. Someone you can go to judge free
James: okay. well I'm not good at reading. All the letters jumble together and get confusing and go blurry and stuff like that.
Donte: that must be frustrating
James: it is but is what it its

At the end of break Chlo came out to see Donte and he surprised her with her business on the side of the van. Chlo's Cutz
Donte: your gonna have a mobile hairdressers. What do you think?
Chlo: I think you just wasted a load of money we didn't even have in the first place
Chlo walked off
Donte: Brilliant
James: once it's all done up then she'll see
The bell went again
James: I gotta go but I'll see ya later. Thanks for this
Donte: anytime

David pov
I was on supervion of the cooler and it was only a matter of time before James would be in. His name had been flagged up since first lesson. He walked in threw his bag down and sat on the chair furthest away.
David: why are you only just in here? Your name has been written down since first lesson
James: has it?
David: don't play dumb
James: okay fine I was going but I got distracted and helped Donte I didn't mean to. I'm sorry
David: what did you do?
James: basically in meads lesson I got angry because I got the blame for someone throwing a pen at him and in budgens I didn't want to read

He was extremely fidgety and restless. His hands were tapping against the legs of his chair and his legs were bouncing. He then started pacing up and down the classroom.
David: take a seat James
James: but I don't want to
David: it's distracting
James: I'm the only one in here
David: 10 minutes then you'll sit down and do some work
James: what's for dinner?
David: not sure
James: do I have training tonight?
David: no but you can go boxing with Liam if you want
James: really.
David: sure. I'm gonna ask you something and you have to be honest okay?
James: sure?
David: did you take your meds today
James: er yeah
David: James
James: fine I didn't
David: why they help you?
James: They make me feel weird and angry all the time
David: okay we'll see if they can be changed but until then you really need to take them. They help you kiddo
James: I know. I'm sorry for not taking them
David: let's get on with some work
He gave me a work booklet for maths

 I'm sorry for not taking themDavid: let's get on with some workHe gave me a work booklet for maths

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