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The next morning
We were walking to school when Cory then started speaking
Cory: hey look I'm sorry about what happened
James: it's nothing
Cory: he shouldn't be doing it. You know you were mums favourite
James: is that why she tried to kill me huh? Stop chatting shit Cory. Jordan was mums favourite. He was the golden boy could never do anything wrong while I got blamed and punished for everything you and Jordan did.
Cory: listen we need to do something about it
James: what is there to do about it? I'm used to it it's fine
Cory: we'll talk to Mr Bell. You trust him don't ya? He said he'd help us
James: how?
Cory: we need to tell someone. Police. Anyone. This has to stop
James: whatever
I walked off and just walked around. I was late for form so just skipped it and made it in time for my next lesson. English with Miss Keane. I sat down and just zoned out. I didn't even hear mr bell walk in.
Miss Keane: James Mr Bell is here to talk to you
I turned around and saw Mr bell standing, waiting for me. I picked up my bag and followed him. We were walking to Mrs Carters office when he stopped me.
Mr Bell: it's Mrs Carter, me, mr qureshi. Nothing too formal. She's gonna ask you exactly what happened just to have it in writing and maybe a few more questions but you can stop at any time. You and your brothers can leave everything else up to us.

We walked to the corridor outside her office and I saw mr Qureshi with Jordan and Cory
Mr Bell: look kid i do know how hard this is okay?
We got to outside the office and Mrs Carter walked out
Mr bell: we just want to make sure this never happens again. Alright?
Mrs Carter: you ready?
I began backing away. I couldn't do it. I know how it will end.
James: no I'm not doing this
Cory: listen we do this together
Mr Bell: James your dad needs to know that this is not acceptable behaviour
James: it were Jordan. We were fighting and it got out of hand
Cory & Jordan: he's lying
Mr Bell: No no way James
I walked out of school and Cory and Jordan followed me
Mr Bell: James!

Mr Bell pov
I just want to help them but he won't accept it.
Sami: Steve mate you can't force him
Steve: the kids lying. He's terrified. He knows that he'll probably end up in care.
Mandy: we can't barge in there house and start laying down the law can we?
Sami: it's got to come from him
Mandy: until they make a complaint there's nothing we can do. We just watch and wait
Steve: yeah we just stand by and let them go back there
I walked off

James pov
Jordan: why didn't you just tell him?
James: you don't know what will happen if we tell them do you?
Jordan: what do you mean?
Cory: you and James will get put into care
Jordan: surely that's better than getting battered everyday
James: I'm not talking to them

I spent the rest of the week avoiding dad until today. I had a major anger outburst and meltdown and ended up getting sent home. When I got home dad was hammered
Dad: (Slurring) I've had enough. Why can't you just be fucking normal?
James: I can say the same about you. Why can't you be a normal dad. Not some stupid alcoholic who is always complaining about his life but doesn't do anything to better it. Your just some weak man who batters his kids to make himself feel better.
Dad: your mum should have killed your that day
James: well she didn't so...
Dad: I wish you weren't my kid
James: well I am so I guess you're stuck with me daddio
Dad shoved me into the wall and threw his glass at me. Shards embedded into my face. I pulled them out
Dad: you're such a disappointment and waste of space. You kids have ruined my life.
James: I fucking hate you. We would be way better off without you.
He threw me on to the ground and began stamping on me. He picked me up and started punching and head butted me. I fell back onto the floor. He carried on laying in to me.
James: I-I'm sorry. I'll be good. Dad please
Dad: shut up
He finally had enough grabbed another beer and left the house. I couldn't move. My head was pounding. My arm was in so much pain. My ribs felt like they were on fire. I got out my phone and called Cory
Cory: James
James: C-Cory
Cory: hey what's going on?
James: bad
Cory: huh
James: hurt
Cory: you home?
James: mhm
Cory: right I need you to stay on the phone
James: sleep
Cory: No not yet stay awake for me
James: 'm try
The pounding in my head was getting worse and everything began to feel slow and glitchy. Darkness took over.

Cory pov
What the hell. I messaged Jordan. Went home somethings up with James.
I walked out of school and went home. When I put my key in the front door I was overwhelmed with a strong feeling of anxiety. I opened the door and walked in and in the living room laid James seizing.
His eyes were rolled back. His arms and legs were shaking and jerking. His breathing was weird and struggled and he looked ghostly pale. I put a couch pillow under his head. Bloodied saliva trailed down his face.
Cory: hey bud it's Cory I'm here. You're okay. Everything's okay.
The seizure lasted a little longer but died down to just twitches until he suddenly went limp. I rolled him onto his side. It took about 30 minutes for him to come to. He started blinking and tried to sit up
Cory: I need you to stay down for a sec. I need to check you over.
James: m fine.
Cory: your not fine
James: fine
Cory: what happened?
James: er dad he-he
Cory: James?
He was just staring and his face was slightly twitching. A few seconds later he started blinking.
Cory: you okay?
James: mhm. I made dad mad. I deserved it
Cory: No no you didn't okay.
I could see he was in pain.
Cory: what hurts?
James: ribs, wrist and head
I lifted up his shirt and he was covered in bruises. I looked at his wrist and he couldn't move it.
Cory: we have to go to the hospital
We arrived at the hospital and they sent him for an x Ray. They said it was broken so they put it in a cast and asked how he did it.
James: I got mouthy to some older boys and they jumped me.
Doctor: anything else hurt?
James: ribs
The doctor checked his ribs
Doctor: when you get home I want you to ice them and take it easy. Any impact to them and they could pierce your lungs.
James: okay
We got an uber home and he just went upstairs.
Jordan was in the living room
Jordan: what happened? There's glass shattered everywhere and blood up the walls and on the carpet.
Cory: Dad proper battered Jay. It was way worse than last time. He had a big seizure and an absent seizure. He broke his arm and a few ribs.
Jordan: we need to do something. Dads getting worse. Way worse

James WilsonWhere stories live. Discover now