Adam has been the best husband I would have wished for. He takes perfect care of me, he is a thoughtful person, always considering my feelings and thinking about me. He surprises me all the time, either takes me to places I've always wanted to go, or buys me the most beautiful presents. He never knew a thing that could make me happy and ignored it. He bought me really expensive gifts and really simple ones, all what mattered was that they make me happy. The emerald necklace he's got me made me as happy as when I came from work one day to find him peeling ten kilos of pomegranate for me. That day was hilarious.

I walked into the kitchen after school, to check if I need to buy any grocery for lunch. Adam had told me in the morning that he'd spend the day with Ahmed playing soccer and swimming. However, I found him sitting at the kitchen table with bags of pomegranate on the table and the floor. He was wearing a white t-shirt and it was decorated with the pomegranate juice; he looked so adorable peeling the pomegranate like a wife waiting for her husband. I couldn't stop myself from laughing.
"Oh my God! What are you doing?" I say surprisedly. "I thought you were with Ahmed."
"We played for an hour but it was too hot so we went for a drive. I found pomegranates and thought I'd bring you some." he says.
"This is too much!" I say joyfully. "Wait I'll help you."
"Come," he smiles, pushing some in my direction.
"I'll change my clothes and come."

We stayed for two hours peeling pomegranate and laughing our hearts out at each other and at some stories we kept telling. It was one of happiest days of my life. A day spent in the kitchen, with the person I love the most, peeling and eating my favourite fruit.

Thinking about the days I've spent with Adam, we've been married for over a year, almost close to two years, Adam has been better to me than I have been to him. I never brought him much presents except on his birthday, and cooking his favourite dishes when he comes back from a trip. But I need to do more to him.

But what can I do now?

I decide to give him something that would remind us of the days we lived together. Something that would be always there when he needs it, maybe also when I'm not there anymore if it's fated that I die before him, which is something I hope.

At night, when Adam is fast asleep, I walk to the bathroom and take the phone with me. I tell Siri to open the Voice Memos and I press the red button I well know its exact location. When I hear the beep I start,
"Today I decided to give you something that would keep our happy memories forever carved in your memory. I wanted to give you a precious gift, one that can make you happy like you always made me. But I can't buy you anything if I can't see it, and if I took someone to choose, it won't be completely from me. So an audio diary was the best I could think of.
I want to thank you for a million things but I can still hear you telling me, "You don't than your husband. You just love him." And I do. Everyone I have ever loved disappointed me one way or another, and even though you and I had some arguments and misunderstandings sometimes yet I cannot say you've ever disappointed me.
In Surat Al-Rum Allah says He has put mercy and love between married couple. The thought that this love we share is provided by Allah and kept safe by Allah is just too overwhelming, and it assures me that it cannot die.
Remember when you told me you're afraid after a while this spark between us would be gone? You thought I'd love you less or we won't just be so close. But no, I want you to know that it's impossible as long as Allah is our Guardian, and because we totally depended on Him SWT to let us find each other. Adam, you're the blessing I'm most thankful for.
Today is our first day in Saudi Arabia together, we'll be in Makkah soon inshallah to make an Umra, and I can't wait till I revolve around the Kaaba hand in hand with you.
When I was younger and went there, I prayed Allah to send me a husband who'll be better than me and draw me closer to Him. I prayed everything I wish would be in that person, and I prayed he'd make me happy. And soon enough inshallah, I'll be in the same place, in front of Allah's house once again, with that person.

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