8. Visit to Runepolis

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AN: Happy belated New Year! Wow, it has been an entire month since I last posted. You don't really know how painful Writer's Block is until you contract it yourself, huh?


"The day we cease to explore is the day we condemn ourselves to live in stagnation."

—William I, 1st Emperor of the Cavalan Empire, 1816


15:27 CMT, 10th of February, 1639 (10th of Memesa, 1995)

30,000 ft above sea level, somewhere over the Holy Milishial Empire


The Neragese plane soared smoothly above the cloud-kissed landscape. Inside, a Kumiho man named Tobias Myong had just woken up from a long nap, his black ears twitching as he adjusted to the light outside the plane window he opened.

He looked around, one of his bodyguards was nodding along to music through a headset while the other was engrossed in a thin book.

"How long's it been?" Tobias asked.

The reading bodyguard glanced up, then glimpsed at his watch. "About ten hours. We'll be reaching the airport of the Milishial capital in a few minutes."

No shit, Tobias thought, but he didn't voice himself. He had been subject to countless regurgitations of information about the mission, how long it would take to travel, what to expect, what impression to give to the Milishials... It had honestly driven him mad with it all.

"Figured." he decided to say instead, stretching, shaking the stiffness of having to sleep in a chair from his limbs.

He wished he hadn't been assigned to this mission, first contact with people of another world should not've been given to one simple individual. But orders were orders.

He spent the next few minutes looking absentmindedly outside the window, a sprawling mass of shining spires and domes whirled past below, streets twisted and turned, sometimes disappearing into tunnels under large white buildings. It was like something out of a science-fiction novel, the only thing missing, were flying cars zipping between the towering spires.

Despite being given satellite images of the Milishial capital, it was an entirely different experience seeing it firsthand.

Then, a voice came over the intercom, announcing the plane's descent towards the Milishial airport.

The bodyguard who had replied to Tobias, Harvey, stowed away his book in his pocket while the other, Casper, removed his headset.

It ultimately took 10 minutes for the plane to touch down on the runway, stopping at an apron opposite the main aerodrome structure.

The airport was quite small, especially for a capital city. But apart from that, it was what Tobias expected from one. Well, sans the slightly unusual architecture.

Tobias unbuckled his seatbelt and got up, stretching his tail as he freed it from behind his back. He straightened his tailored suit, adjusted his tie, and made sure his appearance was impeccable. After that, he fetched his suitcase stowed away in the luggage compartment overhead.

The Kumiho couldn't help but feel a wave of apprehension wash over him, but he took a deep breath and composed himself before leading the way to the front of the plane, as his two bodyguards followed closely behind him.

"Hey, Tobias, you alright?" Harvey asked, as they waited for the plane door to open.

The Kumiho gave him a weak smile. "Yeah, just didn't expect my career to take this turn."

Summoning NeragonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora