7. The Aremic Anomaly

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"One who has found life shall know death will not touch them."

—Endus 2:39


14:01 WT, 9th of February, 1639 (9th of Memesa, 1995)

Anomalous Containment Assembly Chamber, Central Subterranean Zone, Site Alpha, [Unknown County], Tirnikt, Neragon


The Anomalous Containment Assembly was but a shadow of its former self, of the 156 original members, only 38 were present at Neragon during the displacement. The remaining members sat in their designated seats, sparsely scattered across the semi-circle that was the Assembly Chamber.

They had been called to an emergency meeting, but it seemed the caller, Evans Nott had not arrived. In one particular seat, Anna James looked worriedly around the chamber. Although anyone who glanced at her would have only noticed the blank, unreadable poker face she was wearing.

Just where is he? Anna thought angrily, she practically had to cancel all of her activities for the early afternoon because of this.

As if on cue, the heavy door at the front of the chamber creaked open, drawing the attention of the scattered members. Evans Nott rushed in, his hair ruffled, and his suit rumpled. His gaze swept the room, landing on Anna, who met his eyes with a glare that could have incinerated stone.

"Apologies for my tardiness," Nott announced, his voice a touch breathless, but he quickly composed himself, straightening his suit and adjusting his spectacles. "We've encountered unforeseen developments that demand immediate attention."

Everyone remained silent, although Anna's expression remained unyielding.

Nott marched to a podium at the centre of the chamber.

"As some of you might know, we have detected an anomaly on one of the envoys from the Arem Kingdom. I have identified the diplomat as one Ranon Kantor, and he seems to be unaware of the entity he is harbouring."

He inhaled deeply, his eyes shifting across the room, gauging the reactions of the Assembly. Some faces betrayed concern, others curiosity, but the majority remained stoic.

"I have sensed..." he trailed off before his voice regained its composure. "Something... unexpected. That entity is I-01."

At that, several members gasped comically while others looked confused. Anna herself had only heard about something called "I-01" in passing so she had no idea what significance it held.

"Impossible, we smashed that thing to bits a decade ago!" An assembly member behind Anna shouted, interrupting Nott.

"An action I did not condone." Nott said with a hint of annoyance, whether it is due to being reminded of whatever had happened or being interrupted was beyond Anna (one thing she had discovered quite early as Head of Research was that Nott did not like being talked over). "Nevertheless, we must act swiftly. I-01's reappearance is a concern itself but she most definitely seeks revenge for what happened to her."

Anna looked behind her, it was Aiden Kennedy who had shouted, a man from Philimania and the representative (or former representative) for Site Ihwaz. Expected as the I in "I-01" stood for "Ihwaz".

Another member with sandy hair on the other side of the chamber stood up. "Excuse my ignorance Herr Nott, but what is I-01?"

Nott responded with a measured tone, "I-01 was an entity from beyond our known realm, she had admitted herself she was responsible for the destruction of the planet Yulcan which of course, now forms the inner belt of the Gentu System."

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