5. Aremic Diplomatic Mission to Neragon (Part 2)

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"Pro omnibus hominibus et sociis"

("For all of mankind and allies")

—Motto of the Union of Realms Organisation for the Containment of Magical Anomalies (VROEMG)


10:28 WT, 7th of Memesa, 1995 (7th of February, 1639)

Byrnwölf Hotel, Southern District, Greater Wilding, Aialand, Neragon


Voss appreciated the efficient service at the hotel reserved for the Aremic delegation. The lobby was lavishly decorated, with ornate chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling. A grand staircase at the back of the lobby led to the upper levels, and a giant clock with golden hands hung before the landing between the ground and first floors. The walls were smattered with large, oil paintings only a handful of which he could recognise, history was never his strongest suit.

The diplomats had just been checked into the hotel, with Voss handling most of the formalities. And now, he stood over a large map of Wilding he had provided to the diplomats, spread out on an oak coffee table. The 8 members of the diplomatic group were crowded around it.

"Are all your maps this detailed?" a diplomat Voss remembered as Simon asked, twisting his head slightly as he was viewing the map from the side.

Voss blinked, he had seen much more detailed maps than this, after all, it was for tourists. But he supposed things were quite different in this new world.

"Of course," Voss decided to say simply.

"Wouldn't you be hesitant to distribute maps, since well, it could allow enemies to navigate your territory with ease?" Ranon interjected, his fingers tracing the map's details.

Voss chuckled, enjoying the genuine curiosity and interest the Aremic diplomats displayed. "In our world, every power has sent machines called 'satellites' into space, which take images of the entire world and broadcast them back to us. And so, it would be quite pointless to employ secrecy. In any case, we value transparency and the free flow of information."

Everyone looked shocked at Voss's explanation.

"I take it your people have not yet reached that level of technological advancement?" A possibly redundant question, as according to what Voss had heard and seen, Aremic technology seemed to be somewhere in the 1910s to '20s. But no matter.

The diplomats collectively nodded like bobbleheads, some still visibly astonished by the news of this advanced technology. Voss couldn't help but find their reactions endearing; it was a rare, no – nigh impossible – opportunity to witness people from a different world learning about your own.

"No, we haven't," Admon spoke before anyone else could say anything. "We know of 'space' of course, but we have not been able to reach it, and the Holy Milishial Empire deemed it an impossible place for anyone to get to."

Voss nodded slowly, in a hopefully understanding manner. "I see."

Then, he looked at the grand clock on the wall. "10:29" it read. A minute until the tour is scheduled to start.

"Well, gentlemen," he stated, snapping everyone back to attention. "I believe we have a tour to go on, I'll be showing you around Wilding, including some key locations like the Parliament Building, the Great War Memorial, the World Trade Centre and the University of Wilding."

The next few hours unfurled as a convoy of black cars drove the Aremic diplomats and their guide through the streets of Wilding. More modern buildings of glass skyscrapers and steel frames blended seamlessly with older, antiquated structures.

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