1. Hello New World

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AN: Revised 8 June 2024


"Martial law, a double-edged sword in the hands of power, can either safeguard a nation's stability or sever its connection to liberty."

— Markus Volk, 1769


4:02 WT (Wilding Time), 4th of Memesa (2nd Month), 1995

Grand Parliament Chamber, House of Parliament, Loweheim District, Greater Wilding, Aialand, Neragon


It was complete chaos.

The Grand Parliament Chamber had transformed into an ocean of disarray. Members of Parliament many of whom had been woken up in the dead of night for an emergency Parliament meeting, screamed at each other, voices of rage, fear, and confusion. Papers flew through the air like confetti, and some members were frantically trying to barricade themselves behind their desks, or were trying to ignore their colleagues' mental break down.

"ORDER! ORDER!" shouted the Chairwoman, Katarina Horn who sat at the middle of the chamber. Yet none heard her – or cared to hear – over the pandemonium that had befallen the Parliament.

Prime Minister Sonnenfeld sat helplessly in his seat amidst the anarchy. He had watched as the events of the last few hours unfolded before him, events that he knew meant only one thing: VROEMG was behind it.

First, the Ministry of Communication and Media reported the abrupt end to all international communication channels, rendering the government unable to receive or transmit messages to all nations except their overseas territories.

The Ministry of Defence soon followed that up with an alarming update: Veragon – a country across the Neragese Channel – just disappeared, simple as that, all replaced by a void of ocean where a country once stood.

Then, word came from Weston and Neragese Plevapotamia, that their neighbours – Falkony, Chokaw; and Jukasa respectively –vanished as well! Weston City was particularly caught at an odd spot as it bordered Falkony to the south via a river, meaning that suddenly, onlookers found themselves viewing, not at the banks of the opposite country and the neighbouring city of Weston South, but at an expansive ocean instead.

Sonnenfeld supposed he managed to get a chuckle out of it as he was sent a photograph of one half of a bridge overhanging the newly formed ocean, an image that encapsulated the sheer absurdity of the situation.

He had spoken on the telephone with the king, as well as Herr Nott about the ongoing events and they had come to the agreement that martial law must be declared immediately. According to one of their moon bases, the world had been completely changed: it seemed to be much bigger, and any landform previously known apart from Neragon itself had been replaced by completely alien terrain. Nobody should be allowed to come in or leave the country until the situation is thoroughly investigated and understood!

"ORDER!" A voice suddenly boomed from above the chaos, echoing through the chamber like a nuclear explosion.

Sonnenfeld was jolted out of his thoughts.

The chaos subsided gradually, and members of Parliament turned their eyes toward the source of the voice.

At the front centre of the chamber, was the king himself, Henry IV, and besides him was Herr Evans Nott, who looked incredibly worse for wear, his suit was dishevelled and he wore a face that looked like he had not slept in days.

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