4. Aremic Diplomatic Mission to Neragon (Part 1)

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"I did not know what to expect when I heard the news of the 'displacement' on that fateful day 30 years ago, but it now seems to have been for the best of the nation, as our empire has risen to new heights."

-James Lennox, as quoted in "A New World Order" (1st Edition), published 4 Memesa 2025 (4 February 1669)


18:28 AST, 6th of Memesa, 1995 (6th of February, 1639)

Arem City Harbour, Arem City, Arem


When he had first heard of his assignment, Admon Weil had nearly laughed in his superior's face.

A diplomatic mission to a nation that had sprung out of nowhere? It was completely absurd. A ludicrous joke, but his superior would never risk his career for such a thing. So Admon Weil found himself standing at the edge of Arem City Harbour with a brown suitcase. He wasn't alone in this diplomatic venture. Two other diplomats had been chosen to accompany him, as well a few aides, each with their own bags.

There was Ranon Kantor, a thin man that looked as if he could be blown away by the slightest breeze; and Simon Geiger, his friend and colleague for many years, a stout man with thick glasses that magnified his beady eyes.

The evening sky cast a lamp-orange hue over the harbour, and the bustling of sailors and dockworkers seemed distant as the group stood on the pier, waiting for the vessel that was scheduled to take them to the new country.

"Hey, Admon," Simon Geiger muttered as he adjusted his glasses. "Can you believe we're doing this? Diplomatic relations with a... who knows what?"

Admon Weil looked at his friend and couldn't help but crack a smile. "Yeah, sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? But our superiors believe it's a serious matter, and it's our duty to represent our nation."

Kantor looked as if he was about to interject, but was interrupted by the blast of a loud horn.

"Oh, well it seems our ride has arrived..." Admon trailed off in shock as a massive, sleek ship emerged from beyond the harbour.

Collective gasps filled the air.

"By the gods," Admon heard Kantor say. "Not even the Milishials have vessels like this."

Indeed, the ship that approached them was like nothing they had ever seen before. The massive vessel that loomed before them was a behemoth. It was a floating city of metal and glass. Enormous tiers of balconies and windows stretched upward like stacks of paper, and a peculiar red contraption shaped like a stretched cylinder perched at the top of the ship like a grand crown with black trims.

"It's like a floating palace," an aide marvelled from behind.

After a few minutes, the ship finally docked at the harbour, its gangplank extending to the pier with a metallic thud. A bald man in a smooth black suit descended from the ship. His piercing black eyes seemed to cut through the evening air.

"Good day sirs," the man began smoothly in Aremic, much to the surprise of the diplomats and their aides. "My name is Voss from the Agency of Central Security and I will be your guide in Neragon."

The group of diplomats exchanged glances.

Admon, eventually stepped forward to shake Voss's hand. "I'm Admon Weil, and these are my colleagues, Ranon Kantor and Simon Geiger as well as our aides Zubin Katz, Pesach Levin, Tuvya Fraenkel, Ezrah Gollancz and Judah Singer. It's a pleasure to meet you, Voss."

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