12. Marto/March (Part 1)

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"Your magic is an orchestra and you are the conductor."

—Emily Goldstein, As quoted in "The Success of The Witness of Yhova" by Mary Trensen in the Wilding Journal (1964)


10:19 WT, 7th of Marto, 1995 (4th of March, 1639)

Manfield Estate, Clarksville, Edwingburg, Potegir, Neragon


After much deliberation, Evans Nott finally decided he should meet the son of Manfield in person. Not for any particular reason, after all, he could've simply sent an employee to handle the matter, but he wanted an excuse to simply take a break from the role of being Chief Director of VROEMG was more. It had been one of the reasons why he had stepped down from that position back in 1796 to focus more on the magical research in Site Alpha.

And that was why he found himself in the small town of Clarksville after a 2-hour flight from Site Alpha to Edwing and another 1-hour journey by train. It was a quaint and almost picturesque town, with old cobblestone streets lined with charming mock Jamian-style buildings.

Evans opted to walk the short distance from the train station to the Manfield Estate, enjoying the pleasant stroll through the town's sleepy streets.

Eventually, Evans reached the gates of the Manfield Estate. Behind it, stood a decently sized manor house surrounded by well-manicured gardens.

Pressing the intercom button beside the gate, Evans waited for a response.

"Good morning, sir. How may I assist you?" came a smooth voice through the speaker.

"Good morning," Evans replied, not looking at the intercom but instead directing his gaze towards the front door of the manor. "My name is Evans Nott. I'm here to meet with Herman Manfield."

There was a brief pause before the voice responded, "Mr. Manfield is not expecting— ah... please hold on a moment, sir."

"Of course." Evans waited patiently, his thoughts drifting as he observed the tranquil surroundings of the estate. The soft rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze and the distant chirping of birds created quite a calming atmosphere.

After a few moments, the intercom came back to life. "Mr. Nott, Mr. Manfield will see you. Please come in."

The gates slowly swung open automatically with a barely audible creek, allowing Evans to stroll into the estate. He walked up the winding path lined with short colourful flower bushes.

As he approached the front porch, the door swung open, revealing a tall, thin man in the doorway. The butler dressed impeccably in a slick white suit, bowed his head slightly as Evans approached.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Nott," the butler greeted him with a quivering smile. "Please, I'll lead you to the drawing room, Mr. Manfield would be with you shortly."

Evans nodded slightly and he followed the man into the manor. After a short trek down a plainly decorated hallway, Evans was greeted by a warm homely room, with an empty fireplace dominating one side of the room.

"Please, make yourself comfortable, Mr. Nott," the butler said, almost nervously, gesturing towards a few armchairs near the fireplace. "Mr. Manfield will be with you shortly, would you like some tea?"

"Thank you," Evans replied lightly. "And no thank you. I'll wait for Mr. Manfield."

The butler nodded and left Evans alone in the drawing room.

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