Chapter 29

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"Hidaya baku gama ba?" Yaya's voice calls from the door and both Adda Fatima and I look at him at the same time.

"We'll be done in about 10 minutes insha Allah" I glance at my phone.

       We were really running late and I was yet to collect my graduation gown from the admin office. Heck I still didn't get my outfit from home, I stayed over at Yaya's house because Adda was to do my makeup and I ended up forgetting the outfit at home. It was hard to swallow the fact that I was graduating today, it still felt like a dream.

"Yaya how about you go pick mama up and come back? We're almost done with the makeup." I plead.

"Well you guys better hurry cause we're really running late." He leaves.

      We soon finished the makeup and I was doing my hair when mama called.

"Hidaya which one is the outfit? I can't tell."

"Mama there's a shopping bag in my wardrobe, just grab it that's the one." I reply.

"Okay we'll be there soon."

       A few minutes go by and Adda convinces me to eat before they arrive but I was way too anxious to do anything. The second I heard the honking of a car outside I ran out.

"I parked the car outside, get changed quickly and let's go." Yaya sprints in with mama behind him. She was holding two shopping bags leaving me confused.

"I saw two bags and didn't know which one to bring." She hands them to me.

"It's okay mama let me go change." I run into the bedroom.

     I gasp upon opening the first shopping bag. I had ordered an atampa skirt and blouse from my tailor and he butchered the skirt so I had to send it back to him for adjustments, the problem was I never got the skirt back and so all that was inside was the blouse.

"Innalillahi ya rabb please no!!!" I exclaim grabbing the next bag and almost tearing it open. My hands touch something beautifully silky and as I pull it out, my eyes come into view with a purple abaya. Not just any abaya, Ziyad's abaya.


"Congratulations Mubarak." About twenty voices roar the second we get out of the masjid, the knot has been tied Alhamdulillah and my dude was now a married man. We head to the car after greeting about a thousand people and finally head home to the main event of the day.

"How do you feel man?" I ask focusing on the road.

"Like a married man, you kids won't understand the feeling." He teases and I laugh.

"Ahh so you're now calling us kids? Wow" I exaggerate.

"Ehen naa. You'll be a man when you get married but for now you're a kid." He shrugs and we both laugh.

     We got home within a few minutes and almost immediately I was being called upon by every uncle in the house.

"We need more drinks for the guests."

"Go bring so and so in, they don't know the house."

"The security guards need to talk to you."

"We need a car to pick up the bridesmaids."

   And a lot more. I check the time and it was about an hour and half after the time I was supposed to leave for the graduation. I rush upstairs to the room the groom was in.

"Bro I really got to go but I've got Aliyu and Saif on everything. I'll be back in an hour insha Allah before the event." I lean in halfway through the door.

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