Chapter 24

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The sound of my phone ringing wakes me up, I groan at the instant headache I get from the brightness of my screen. My room was complete darkness, the curtains shut. 7:21am the time read and I jump out of bed. I didn't pray fajr! I overslept and didn't pray fajr. I press both palms to side of my head hoping it would help with the headache but it got worse.

"Adda!" Yusra runs into my room in her school uniform her hair puffed up in a fro. "Mama said you should do my hair quickly, the bus is on the way." She hands me her hair tie.

"Not now Yusra..." I hiss groaning at the increasing pain.

"But...I'm gonna be late for school and I want you to do my hair." She protests.

"Yusra please, not now." I groan squatting by my bed feeling my temper rise.

"Amma adda who will do..."

"YUSRA I SAID NOT NOW DAMN IT! GET OUT!" I yell and I look at her, anger, pure rage evident in my eyes and she looked....she looked frightened.m, scared, sad, hurt.

I instantly feel regret. What am I doing? My face drops seeing her run out in tears but I don't follow her, I get up and make my way to the bathroom.
I was lying on the prayer mat about 30 minutes after I had prayed when mama walks into my room.

"Hidaya....are you still sleeping? Why is your room dark?" She makes her way to the window opening the curtains and I wince the second the light illuminates the room.

"Maa I'm not sleeping I just have a headache." I cover my eyes with my hijab.

"Why are you on the salah mat? Are you just praying fajr?" She asked her voice sounding upset.

"I don't know what happened I overslept." I say my voice muffled through my hijab.

I hear her sit on my bed but she doesn't say anything so I open my face to check.

"What's going on with you? You didn't eat dinner last night or even say good night, you're very late for fajr and you made Yusra cry before school. I heard you yelling at her, do you realize that it could affect her performance at school or even her entire mood? What's wrong with you?" She scolds.

"I..." my eyes sting as tears form "....I don't know maa. I messed up really bad and...I don't even know." I bury my face in my hijab again. Memories of the previous night filling my brain. I felt embarrassed, humiliated, ashamed, stupid.

" to me." She moves closer to me sitting beside me. "What is it?"

"I just....I did something stupid and I now regret it." I say still covering my face.

"Is it something haram?" She asks worry evident in her voice.

"Maa come on..." I open my face and look at her unbelievably.

"I just want to know if it's deen related." She defends.

"No it's not.... I just....I don't know." I wipe my snotty face.

"Well...when you feel ready to talk about it, you know where to find me. But in the meantime I need you to get this into your head, whatever you're going through does not justify you being mean to others. Handle it, don't give people attitude. Just because your day is going bad doesn't mean you have to drag someone down with you okay?" I nod. "Now when your sister comes back, I want you to apologize to her and please use a tissue to clean your nose not your hijab." She gets up and I nod again.

"And clean your room! It looks like a dumping site." She warns.

"Yes mama." I grab the tissue box beside my bed.

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