Chaper 11

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"Don't worry bruh I'll get you next time." I say while we're walking out and we all laugh.

We just finished the football game and were heading home. I hear my phone ringing from my backpack. I slide it off my shoulder and search in for my phone.

The number wasn't saved but it looked familiar.

"Assalam Alaykum, go for Ziyad." I answer.

"Wa alaikum as salaam Ziyad it's Hafiz from earlier." A familiar voice said.

"Oh yeah, how are you doing?". I answer with a smile even though he couldn't see.

"I'm good alhamdulillah, I hope am not bothering you or anything" he asks.

"No, not at all." I say going to the passenger side of the car.

"Okay then, Hidaya just finished studying and I was wondering if you could help take her home please? I don't really trust anyone else" He asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

"Of course, no problem." I say pulling the handle. Mubarak was yet to unlock the car. I look up searching for him and find him running down the stairs that lead to the back rooms.

"That's great! I'll send you the drop off address, I suppose you already have the pick up address? She is at the same house you dropped her off earlier." He says.

"Yes I do, I'll be waiting insha Allah." I say and he hangs up after saying "okay".

Mubarak reaches the drivers side before unlocking. The plan was to go home, shower and then head out to the game bar.

"Hey something came up, how about you go first and I meet you at the bar?" I say getting in.

"Everything okay?" He asks closing his door.

"Yeah, I need to pick up someone. I'll shower first at your place then head there. But I'll be back as soon as I can." I say pulling my seatbelt.

"Alright then, cool." He says and we drive out.


I head to my car with my phone and keys in my hand. I slip my wallet into my pocket and unlock the car. My hair was still a bit wet from the shower. I get in and send a message to Hafiz.

"I'm on my way there."

I buckle up and drive out. I open the sunroof to get some fresh air. The weather was a bit hot but the good part was the sun is down, just the little bit of light radiating from it. The city looked like something out of a movie. The sky was a mix of orange, peach and blue.

Speaking of peach, her name is Hidaya. I never got to ask her.

'What a beautiful name' I thought to myself.

"No no no no, we are not going there!" I say to no one in particular.

"I don't even know her, never even seen her face before." I say to convince no one again.

"I'm talking to myself....I should keep quiet."

I soon arrive at the house and message Hafiz again so he can let her know I'm here.

I close the sunroof and turn on the AC. Lightly tapping on the wheel and humming.



Zahra and I were walking out of her room when her mom called for her. I had gotten my stuff and yaya also called me to tell me Ziyad was outside waiting for me.

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