Chapter 16

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I wasn't sure what he had in mind and I kept trying to guess. He must have thought I was scared or something because he said.

"It won't take long I promise." He said reassuringly.

If only he knew I've never felt unsafe with him. If it were anyone else I'd be trying to jump out the car by now but him? There was just something about his presence that made me feel safe and at ease.

I approve of his request and he smiles like a child that was given candy. I smile at that with my head down.

We arrived at a place that seemed like an ice cream shop. It looked so pretty and Inviting, the vibrant colors of the paint pulling you in almost like a magnet. He parks the car at the reserved spot before unbuckling his seat belt.

"I hope you like ice cream." He asks still smiling.

I didn't know when I also started smiling widely.

"I love ice cream." I say surprisingly still looking at him.

This is the longest I've looked at him, I've always just glanced at him but never really looked at his face. But now that I did, I didn't regret it.

The black shirt he wore plus the white cap complimented his light chocolate skin. He had a deep stubble that wasn't too long. And his nose was...

I realized the "look" was turning into a state so I almost immediately look away.

"Let's get going then." He chuckles and it was the best thing I've heard all day.

He gets out of the car before me but waits until I was also out before we walked in together.

We walk to the ice cream show case and there were so many flavors I didn't even know which to choose. This place is amazing! I don't know how I've never heard about it. The interior made everything on the outside seem lame even with all the decor.

"Wani flavor kike so?" He asks looking down at me. I say looking down because I never noticed the height difference between us this much until now that he was standing not so far from me. I felt like an elf. If I'm to exaggerate somewhat like Gandalf and Frodo.

I look inside the showcase readin in all the names. Mango, strawberry, bubblegum,raspberry,blueberry mix, mint chocolate chip, vanilla, you name it.

"Take your time." He says chuckling again and for what felt like the thousandth time, I felt my cheeks heat up.

"I'll take Vanilla with a side of chocolate please." I say smiling at the worker that was standing behind the showcase waiting for us.

"Big cup or medium?" The worker asks.

"Big please." Ziyad says before I could point to the small cup. He looks at me "do you want any toppings?"

"Nope that's all thank you." I say.

"You're sure?" He asks, his eyebrows slightly raised.

"Yeah, that's all." I say.

"Okay then, let me have the mango in medium please." He picks.

The worker places both our cups on the counter beside the show glass before typing stuff into the computer. He hands the receipt to Ziyad and nods saying thank you.

"I'll be right back." He says to me before going to the cashier to make payment. That was when I realized, what if I was putting unnecessary burden on him? I didn't even argue on the cup size, I could've gotten a small cup but instead he got me the big cup which must be expensive. I felt embarrassed.

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